The remote, romantic Gilbert Islands had been home to Arthur Grimble and his family - for eight years when he returned to England on his, first,leave. Since the climate of the Gilberts was so cruel to young children he returned to the lovely Islands alone and did . not see 'his four daughters again for seven years. During these years he had many adventures, from quelling riots between the Giklbertese and Chinese labourers, to. watching his dog run, hackles 'high, from thee an tod "Old One Leg." The author explains the tragedies following the outlawing of polygamy and relates the legends told to him by his | Gilbertese friends. During the two holiday weeks the Library will be open Monday afternoon 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., Monday evening 7 to 9 p.m. Friday evening 7 to 9 p.m. Regular Library Hours - . Monday & Wednesday afternoons 2:30 'to 4:30 --. Tuesday , Thurs. & Friday evenings a 't0 29 Dem. Credit Union During the period that the Treas,- Manager is on vacation, December 14th to December 30th the Credit Union Office will be in charge of Vern Hopper. In case of emergency please contact Vern or phone 3335, Christmas week and New Year's week the Office will be open Monday nights instead of Tuesday. nuts haste - Among the footprints in the sands of time some people leave only the marks of a heel. NOTICE: NOTES FROM fo Rie THE. DEPARTMENT 4 moral reSponsibility of the highest order ~ the care and proper attendance of children - often goes by the board at this time of year with careless parents who are more than ever inclined to visit, friends, relatives and drinking places. Under the Criminal-Code, such negligence is' punishable by law. The use of baby sitters, however, introduces another serious problem. Any outside person given the responsibility of 'the children while the parents are olit: should be-carefully briefed as to location of exits and telephone, the fire department telephone number and the address 'and telephone number of the place to which the parents are: going. I EMEMBEX: These instructions should be verbal as well as in writing. Discourage the use of. wax candles at church candlelight servies. Safety battery candles are just as effective and completely safe. Fire in a crowd- ed building may lead to panic, partic- ularly if children are involved. Flanmable decorations and smoking in public buildings are a bad combina- CLOT, Beautiful but deadly may 'be the plasti dolls and toys you give your child. Beware of pyroxylin plastic; it is highly flammable, Use care in your choice of toys that operate on flammable liquids such as alcohol or gasoline and appreciate the dangers inherent in these playthings. Spirit-fucled toys and electric trains should not be set up under the Christmas tree. REMEMBEK : iVEMEM BEA REMEMBEn ¢ x BE E TI ANNUa ry OF The jmnual Meeting of the Separate School supporters will be held in the Separate: 5 School on Thursday, December 26, 1957 at 8:00 -p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to hear the report of the Board of Trustees and elect one Trustee to fill the vacancy on the Board due to expiration of term of office. All Separate School supporters are urged to attend. - M, D. Campbell, Secrétary-Treasurer.