LADIES CURLING CLUB NEWS LADIES SOCIAL NIGHT - So that all you Olé and New Curlers can get limbered up and 'acquainted with each other, the Ladies Curling Club is holding "a Ladies Social Night, Tuesday, November 5th. If you want a night of fun and relaxation (at no cover charge) come on out, and enjoy yourselves. We guarantee you a wonderful time, For you New Curlers who haven't curled before, don't be ashamed to come out, because you éon't know how to curl, we Old Curlers will show you how. In the end you will find us all very friendly. So make it a date to attend this Social Night Ladies - Tuesday, November 5th - The Curling Club Lounge - 7:30 SHARP. - Will see you all at the Social, For those who happened to miss last Thursday's News we are running the Bulletin over again, so that every lady curler will have the same chance to fill in her pplication Form and get it in early, eth A eee aie ae TERRACE BAY LADIEL vUv.wING CLUB INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM SEASON 1957-58 NAME (Print) ADDRESS. Scenes apenas PHONE NO. } POSITION YOU PREFER TO PLAY : IF NEV APPLICANT, NO. YEARS CURLING EXPERIENCE ds v SIGNED DATE SUBMITTED i DATE RECEIVED Mail this form or deliver to Mrs, Ida Romaniuk, L. & L. Food Market, Terrace Bay. NOTIGE TO SKIPS (Ladies club only) - Please complete the entry blank below giving eal of your rink for the coming season, If you are unable to complete the form, send it in enyw y ittee wi i i apleting your rink, i d the membership committee will assist you in comp g i ores This list must be in the hands of the committee not later than November @. Mail to er deliver to Mrs. Ida Romaniuk, L, & L. Food Market, Terrace Bay. Sa erento TERRACE BAY LADIES CURLING CLUB - Personnel of Rink for 1957-58 Lee Se TT CT Tair | tae Bae | Please Print LEAD eee enn nnES EE RERnRRnnn SECOND VICE SKIP SIGNED ~ CC er (Skip)