Ingredients: cups tsp. 2/3 WEEK 2 sugar _ 1 cup water aD 4 Cream of Tartar, or cup Light Corn Syrup. Method: Stir over a slew heat until the "sugar is disolved, then cook quickly without Sei retin until the hard crack stage - 290°, Remove the pot containing syrup and plunge into very cold water just for a mimite to check Doiling then place over hot water to keep from hardening. col have placed on skewers in the syrup. ouring, 4dd a few drops of food Dip apples which you and place on a well-greased surfacs 'to harden, ale at ARQUND-THE-TOWN __ Our teachers were up en masse last weekend to attend the Teachers Conference neld in Fort William on friday. .ittending were: Mr, Dave Locking, accompanied by Mrs. Locking, Bernard Le Mi High Schobl. Kenney, P t, eux and Terry Hoban from the Mr. Kenney accompanied by Mrs. Hunt, Cathy Smith, Verna Vezina, Babe Dion a ichaie Marcella from St. iartin's, and from the Public School, John Ty Morrison, B irry King, Elvera Wood, Hash tye Gordon, Camilla Collins, Ruth Chartrand, ard Sylvia South, {cont'd next col.) Onive , a y 4 1 Mr. aud Mrs. G. Wilkin and daughter Jennifer of Port Arthur visited with Mr. and Mrs. 4. Pattison last Sunday. Helen and Tony Fedun have had as their guests :this past week, Helen's sister and brothe: in law, Joan and Bill Gala and son Mark of Keewatin, and John T ale GRATY Pt Kenora, The Dim Bulbs will meet on Monday evening, October 28th at the home of Lil Harris, Hudson ' HALLOWEEN } MAS' QUERADE AND BOA SOCTAL Att cntion allmembers of the fate Order of Moose} Dorit forget the Halloween Masquerade | asi Box Secial; masquerade optional, Friday ,October 25¢ ig ay 8:30 at the Curling Club Lounge. ! Each menver bring a guest couple for an dreniink of fun. dmission - ladies bring a decorated 'don "lunch for two and gentlemen 50¢, Sponsored by the Ladies of the Moose. Proceeds will: be for their Hospital funds, BIGURE 'SKATING CLUS Ail Figure Skate z and parents cf children interested' in Figure Skating are reminded onc. more - registration for the coming. season takes place on Saturday, October 26th. Mrs. C. Wood will be in the 'Snack Bar section of the Recrea~ tion Centre from 1:00 p.m. till 4:00 pam. 'that cay to accept registration fees The fees this year will be $12.00 per 'season ee child ins * "includes lesson yk membership, and costume fee. if desirable one half the amount ($€.90) may be paid, hip a Oct. 26, and the balance at' the, end. of January., All members of the Figur: Seating Clus must be members of the Recreation association, Please note that all members must be astered and the: first half of' membership fee d cn Saturday, October 26th. Mrs. .1. Pattison , club professional has dec- ided ca Sacurday , Nov, 2nd, as the first day, for skating! Lessons. On that day, skaters will be divided into Pa This season, Saturday after noons from 1 to 4 Be m. will be the only hours to be spent on formal fisure skating lessons. On Tuesdays and Thursdays 1 there will be one hour designated for patch practicing of figures. c ec & gis : Da m ry PARTY PLANS - Please see page 4) -