Prose pe > yoni tt + be lA AES Rp ROSMAN anmelden 22 A ET ERLE ABE EE AR i BS Meet ss: ae eh Bonds on Sale Oath For the llth consecutive year Canada Savings Bonds are available through the payroll sav- ings plan to employees of the Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company. Remember this year they are a better buy than ever, Interest rate: First 2 years 32%, Remaining 11 years 43%, Average yield 4.46%. Once again a volunteer canvaser will contact each person on the payroll, and give each one the opportunity to sign up for Bonds, It would help, however, if everyone who has dec- ided to buy bonds, would contact their canvasser to save the canvasser's time, Following is a list of the canvassers: Woodhandling - Day Crew - B, Thorsteinson, Shift #1 - H, Landry Shift #2 - V. Timpano Shift #3 - C. Koski Shift #4 - W. Pidluzny Pulp Department - Shift #1 - F, Whitfield Shift #2 -- M. Newell Shift #3 - L. Crockford Shift #4 - D, Whalen - Engineering Office - R. Wallwin Elec. & Instruments = J. Ruzyski Pipefitters - J. Duncan Millwrights & Auto Mechanics Engineerin - G. Daniels Machine Shop ~ Les Buffet Welders, Carpenters, etc., - E. Persson EWS Ke CTA RCULATION IN TRRRAC AROS Shee =e, © a ae RF OF A i RRC AE SOR AON ORLA ot nh nanan ecnnce NNER ond) Nip te tema OS ee SGN Pet VO AL eae hl AN a Ra eee Sp ee act re RARE MAT SBE AL onl mn in oeeen BOND SALES (cont'd) Steam Department - Shift #1 - 'B. Hayes, Shift #2 - E, Kettle, Shift #3 - T. Turner, Shift #4 - F, Helmink. Warehouse - Len Swirhun service - J. Mikus Watchmen & Fire Hall - M, Ross Townsite - D, Laporte Hotel - C. Buck Hospital - M, Duquette Technical - H, McCanna Admin, Office - J. MacDonald. ee eH He MINOR HOCKEY ---- OPEN MEETING!?! The Minor Hockey Association is holding an open meeting in the large meeting room at the Recreation Centre on Friday, October 25th, at 8:00 p.m. Parents of boys playing minor hockey are urged to attend the meeting for several reasons, First, the Association would like you to meet the executive and coaches who will handle minor hockey for the coming season. Second, the Association would like to hear any constructive suggestions that parents may have for the better handling of minor hockey, Third, the executive would especially like to have the mothers present as several of them have shown 'an interest in forming an auxiliary to help finance minor hockey, If you have a boy playing minor hockey or are interested in any way, be at this open meeting next Friday,