AS FOOD PLANNER Pe 4 enemas OK Give him a good, unhurried breakfast Serve appealing meals Remember his favorite dishes J, < > AS FAMILY NURSE * Be considerate when he's sick * Help him carry out the doctor's advice * Keep first aid and staple remedies on hand * Save bad news until after dinner HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! If you're getting the summer furniture in shape, try this for outdoor ash trays: paint galvanized iron buckets in bright colors, Ashes won't blow, and an inch of water in the bottom will put cigarettes safely, neatly, and un-smellily out. Bird Catering - Cantaloupe seeds are really "for the birds" and with the cantaloupe season coming up it might be a good time to mention : : i that they really are a ferred tidbit for From a recent magazine article "How to Keep bud ater fader 2 Py hee RECIPE OF THE WEEK + HUSBAND SAVERS Your Husband Alive," we reprint the follow- i rei i ; : a Piece As.the melon is cut, it is a simple ing tips collected by Women's Division of matter to slide the seeds fans a bowl uh bgeaie ota ala ithaca Insurance, from 11 yearswater, If allowed to stand overnight, they Pviews With husbands, -. . ¢an be easily washed clean in a sieve or © 5 colander under a stream of running water, pee gas 18 expected to heed them all, the seeds are then spread on a cloth to dry. ort ae hie the men say they wish their tr the whole family collects seeds it is sii surprising how large a jar can be accumulated AS A PARTNER during the cantaloupe season. Bk. cn ee pe ey Deva ued: Calm Heads - It's common knowledge that harried i ee : : & executives sometimes swallow tranquilizers * Brag a bit about the nice things he does perore important meetings, but did you know - Really listen to him when he's talking _-- that. the mongoose of India takes a few nibles ic onan up in public es of a plant called rauwolfia serpentina (the ompliment him occasionally on his looks = source of the tranquilizing drug Reserpine) before attacking a cobra? And usually wins AS HOME MANAGER anni - Think twice before phoning him at work Licorice as an appetite reducer - A simple . Leave the car with a full tank of gas safe way for overweight persons to cut down ' Cope with child discipline as it arises on their eating, a British physician reports, * Relieve him of. taxi duty is to indulge in a licorice cough lozenge ; ; shortly before meals. Its strong taste, he AS HOME SCHEDULER finds, is persistent enough to disguise food * Plan the vacation he really wants tastes and reduce appetite. * Bneourage an evening with the boys * Find room for his personal hobbies *% Give him an even break on TV shows, etc. Popcorn bars When making popcorn balls, shape them into bars rather than balls. Make them about 1 inch thick and 2 inches long for easy (cont'd) eating.