MOVIES March Ist and 2nd - "THE YEARLING'-Starring 'Jane Weak, &. oo Gregory Peck, «) March 3rd, Ath, and 5th,- "REBEL VITHOUT CaUSE" - Superscope (adap) aterring. James Dean, & Natalie Wood. March 6th and 7th ~ "JULIE" «= 2), Starring Doris Day, & Louis Jordan. MINOR HOCKEY (cont'd from 1st page) Saturday afternoon at 4:00 p.m, the Schreiber Bantams and the Terrace Bay Bantams meet in the first game of their playoff series, and Saturday night at 8:00 the local Hish School team meets Chapleau High School in an invitation game. Admiss- ion for both these games will be - adults - -25¢, children - free, It's a big week-end for minor hockey, Get out and -ive them a boost!! | 0-0-0 WOMEN'S sUXILL.RY MEETING - Monday - March Ath. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Juxiliary of the Community Church will be held on Ilonday, March 4th at 8:15. Mrs. J. Knight and her committee will have charge of the program. ..11 members and friends are welcome, - 0-0-0 ATTENTI QV NURSES « cordial invitation is extended to all nurses to attend.a film on "Surgical Anatomy of Inguinal Region" to be shown in the Schreiber High School - Friday at 8:00 p.m. 411 the cars will be leaving from the Recreation Centre, Anyone wishing a ride please be there at 7:40 p.m. o-0-0 at the Recreation Office, 4TTENTI ON: PARES ieee ee T2.URICE'S BsuRBER & EASE ONG = IOP = NOTICE Bella Begin will be away at a Hairdresserts Convention from Merch Sth to larch 14th, 0-0-0 Party of one wishing transportation to or near Kapuskasing, on Warch Sth - Please phone 209. O=O--0 CONGRATULATIONS this week go to lir. & ltrs, Chas, Simmer, on the birth of a son, Feb 26th, 1957. 0-0-0 RECRESTION FLYER - NO MORE TELEPHCNE RESERVATIONS FR - HOCKEY TICKETS - In the future, no telephone reserva- tions cen be made for hockey games in the Terrace Bay ..rena, People who find it impossible to pick u> tickets »ersonally, during pre-game sales are urged to arrange to have someone else obtain tickets for them, : In the past, people who had stood in line for some time at the Recreation Office, would get to the ticket window only to find that the tickets they desired had been res--- erved just seconds before by televhone, and by a person who had not been obligated to stand in line. The decision hes been Tashan ree this reason, SEASCN TICK®T HOLDERS If there is a N.S.H.L. Playoff game between Nivigon and Terrace Bay on Sunday, larch 3rd, season ticket holders will be obliged to pick up their reserved tickets between 1:00 and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday instead of 2 days in advance of the game, as has been the regular practice, The. reason for this is, that the. play- ing of Sunday's gene depends on the outcome of Friday night's game in Nipigon. We won't know if the Sunday geme will be necessary until the Friday game is over, Tickets for the Sunday game will be held for season ticket holders until 6:00 p.m. Saturdey , any not picked up go on sale at