Se Ba LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY Volume No. 6 Februa mae! re an Ome HEL Aa ee Pe Oe ee On Tuesday eet February 5th, Dr, "Mike" McCousland, Medical Officer of Health delivered an address at the Weekly Meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Terrace Bay on the important subject of Rheumatic Fever, In conjunction with National Health Week and as a service to the citizens of Terrace Bay, we print the talk herewith: ~ WB B ou "Rheumatic Fever is generally rec- ognized as & major Public Health problem in this country. It ranks high, not only as a cause of death, but also as a cause of dis- abling heart disease, Our present knowledge of the disease is limited and efforts are being made both in this country and the United States to make carly recognition and thus early care of the disease more certain, particularly in childhood where its recog- nition is difficult, Between the ages of 10 to 14 it causes more deaths than any other discasc, including meningitis, polio, whoop- ing cough, diptheria and scarlet fever. First of all, what is Rheumatic Fever? - It is a chronic disease that usually begins between the ages of 5 and 15, and is usually preceded by several days or weeks of an infection caused by a germ called haemolyticus streptococcusThis particular kind of streptococcus is commonly the cause of such illnesses as tonsillitis, scarlet fever, ear infections and the popular "strep" sors throat. Rheumatic Fever attacks only certain tissues of the body, and most imp- ortant causes inflamation of tho heart valves, heaxs muscle and the heart's outer covering, (cont'd on page 3) MINOR HOCKEY LEAGUE GAMES THIS WEEKEND - Friday, Feb. 8th at 8:00 P.M, - Nipigon/Red Rock School vs, Terrace Bay School Saturday, Feb. 9th at 8:00 P.M, - Nipigon Midgets vs, Terrace Midgets Sunday, Feb, 10th at 3:00 P.M, - Schreiber School vs, Terrace School YOUNG CANAD: HOCKEY WHEK - Feb, 4th - 11th, Full details of the activities planned in Terrace Bay for full observance of this spec- ial week will be found in this issue of the "Nows " 0-0-0 WATCH TO BE GIVEN AWAY WHEN SUPERIORS ENTERTAIN MARATHON TONIGHT Marathon, with first place all but wrap- ped up comes to town tonight looking for its first victory on Terrace Bay ice. On the other hand, the Superiors haven't lost yet on home ice, although there has been one tie, and they will be out to preserve their unblemished record so once again it stacks up as a dog eat dog affair, If this game is anything like the least Terrace Bay-Marathon tussle a tremendous evening of hockey is assured. és an added attraction to tonight's game, a $75.00 Gruen Watch, donated by C. R Strachan Jewellers of Fort "william, will go to the holder} of the lucky number program, Folks, you can (cont'd on page 12)