"YOUNG CANADA HOCKEY WEEK" Cont'd. from Page 8 est Asset we have --- Our Youth. Attendance prizes made possible through the generosity of our local merch- ants will be given away during the event. Your contributions to the silver collection will entitle you to chances on the prizes. Watch YOUR BOY PLAY HOCKEY during YOUNG CANADA HOCKEY WEEK. On the programme will be featured exhibition periods of Flyweights, PeeWees, Bantams and finally a League schedule game between teams representing Schreiber and Terrace Bay High Schools. It is expected that Clowns will be in attendance to bring anecdotes of hockey to the grown ups as well.as the young "fry" of the family. So come one, come all, and let's make this Family Day in support of honouring our youngsters, their chairman, coaches and managers. Let's go on record in the files of Gordon Juckes in that we filled our arena "to the rafters", and the results of the day weré very successful and gratifying. Why not take pictures of YOUR Boy in action? This is no plug for any film company, but souvenirs he could look back Onan nas Puture big day", tvis 'expected that an official photographer will be. in attendance, so that we may have picture coverage in the Lakehead papers. -° Canadian Hockey: Maker of True Sportsmen: and Good Citizens Leon and his staff will be.on hand to serve the paying customers. For this occasion the Hot Chocolate will either be "hot" or will taste like "chocolate"! Take your choice. ' Hockey - Ganada's National Sport - Helping Boys Become Better Men We Want Your Help!!!! | The above has been prepared in an effort to: enlist your active support in the observance in Terrace Bay of The lst. National YOUNG CANADA HOCKEY WEEK. Its success depends on YOU, and the Committee is confident you will not let.our youngsters down. Hockey: The Game Every Canadian Boy Wants To Play . "EXTRA - EXTRA - EXTRA - In observance of Young Canada Cont'd. in: next. column Page 9 Cont'd. from last column Hockey Week, the North Shore and particularly Terrace Bay are privileged to welcome to our arena to-night "Red" Horner. In his day, "Red" was consid- ered the hardest hitting defenceman as well as one of the all-time greats of the National Hockey League. Needless to say, "Red" was a standout with the" Toronto Maple Leafs. At 8 o'clock to-night and prior to the Mercurys - Superiors game, "Red" will drop the puck for the youngsters game in ushering in Young Canada Hockey Week in Terrace Bay. "Red" asks all "Watch YOUR Boy play hockey during Young Canada Hockey Week," - 3 WHALEN IN RECORD SEASON With 7 games remaining on the N.S.H.L. schedule, Dave Whalen is well out in front in the scoring race, - At this writing he is 21 points ahead ef the next highest scorer, teammate Maurice Osmar. Old records of 39 assists set by Marv Osmar last season and 65 total points, set by Steve Rusnak ef Geraldton last season have been shattered . by Whalen. Jim Moro holds: the league | record for goals, 48 in the 1954-55 season, but with 7 games remaining Whalen should top this figure. Following are the scoring totals through games played on Feb. 3: GA Pts. Whalen TB se a een Osmar,Maurice. T.B. 36 30 66 - Osriar Marvin) T.B. 32h 30.) 55 Charyna Mar ea a ae Degree RR RE Re a Kosolowsiol Mar 026) (UR OR LeBlanc, A. Mera Re CUre.: Wee Romano oS alg is RR id Manilla, H. Rai ee ae Most Penalties (Minutes) Desrosiers - 60 minutes. sue