4 2 © CURLIN CIUB NEWS - LADIES PEGGY WELLINGS RINK "INS LO0iL NORTHWESTERN For the 3rd consecutive year, a rink skipped by Peggy Wellings has won the right to represcont the Terrace Bay Ladies Curling Club in the Northwestern Zone playdowns, In a two out of three series, the Wellings rink defeated the Ostling rink two straight games. With the exception of the lead position, the personnel on the Wellings Rink has remained unchanged for the past 3 years, They have been successful in winning the zone pleydowns for the past two years and have represented our zone in the Northwestern playoffs held at Port Arthur and last year in Terrace Bay, the .ladiss will give a fine account of them- selves st Marathon this coming weekend, against rinks from Marathon and Schreiber, The local club and the members of' the community wish them every success, Players on the rink are: Peggy With this record, we believe A(gont'a from prev. col.) Pan, a G the seagon, sd please clean the ic. "ft r your game. It is also advisable to clean the ice after the last draw since dirt left overnight freezes into thse ice, MONDAY - JAN, 28 6:45 P.M, 1. Anderson vs Ostling . ; 2,3. MacDonald vs. Wellings 3. Marsh vs Thompson 4. McColl vs Dodge WEDNESDAY - JAN, 30 -6:45 P.M. 1. Moore vs J. MecDonald 2, Marsh vs, McLeod Bradley vs. Thompson Lh, Beddard vs, Anderson 9:00 P.M. 1, 2. Ostling vs, Ducuette 3, Dodgé vs, A MacDonald > FRIDAY - Fob, 1 6:45 P.M. 1. Bodtker vs, Thompson 2. Crockford vs, Duquette 3, 4llen vs. Wcellings 4, Knight vs. MeColl Wellings, Skip; Ann Latour, 3rd; Ida Romaniuk, yoypay ~ FEB, J 2nd; and Sylvia Duquette, lead, ; The zone winner will advanee into the Northwestcrn playdowns being held in Port arthur on February llth and 12th, and the winner of the Northwestern will then journey 6:45 P.M. 2; Olsen vs, Allen 2, Ostling vs. Beddard 3, anderson vs, Crockford he to Toronto for the Provincial Playdowns whieh wrpnESDAY - FEB. 6 will be held at the Granite Club on February 18th and 19th, MEN'S at a recent meeting of the Executive of the Curling Club, plans were drawn up f our ..iinucl Bonspiel which will be held Aor llth, 12th, 13th, and Ith. Bonspjel Chairman .:1 Pattison anpointed the ToS sgqring Coumittee Chairmen: Draw - :.. MacDonald, Publicity - 4, Stevens, Reception - J. Hale, Ice & Rocks - L. Duquette, Prize + H, Hamilton & R, Ostiing, Entertainment - L. Crockford, Program ~ J, MacDonald, . This Bonspiel is a Club effort, <All club members are asked to assist in any way they can, The above named Quairmen will need help - don't turn them dow} 4 laxity has been notiged Mtely with regard to cleaning the ice after games, in order to give everyone more curling there will be some 9 P.M, draws during the rest of (cont'd next col.) 6:45 P.M. 1, A, MacDonald vs. lcColl 2, Dodge vs, Knight 3. Moore vs, Wellings 4, Ostling vs. Crockford 9:00 P.M; 1... Js MacDonald ;:vs, Allen « 2, Duquette vs, sanderson 3, Marsh vs, Bodtker @ FRIDAY ~ FEB. 8 6:45 P.M, 1, Beddard vs, Duquette 2. Moere vs, «allen 3, McLeod vs, Bradley 4, Olsen vs, J. MacDonald MOND:.Y - FEB, 11 1. Bodtker vs. MeLcod 2. Knight vs. 4. MacDonald 3. Olsen vs, Wellings 4, Crockford vs. Beddard WEDNESDAY-FEB, 13 1. Bradley vs. Marsh 2. MceColl.vs,. Dodge 3. Moore vs, Olsen -k, FRIDAY - FEB. 15 ae 2, Thompson vs, MeLcod 3, Bradley vs, Bodtker 4,