RECIP# OF THE WEEK MEAT AND RICE CASSEROLE 1 lb. minced round steak or neck beef 1/2 cup uncooked rice 1 medium sized onion 1 can tomato soup (mushroom soup) 1 pint water Salt and peoper to taste Mix meat, rice, onion and seasoning. Form into balls and place in casserole. Cover with soup and water. Bake covered 45 minutes in a moderate oven. Uncover and bake 1/2 hour longer, [Ke WITW AROUND THE TOWN Despite severity of the weather and other activities in-town, enough members of the Terrace "ay Horticultural Society turned out Friday evening, January 18th., in the Recreation Centre to form a quorum and conduct election of officers for the 1957. term, Reports were given by all chairmen of the various committees, President and Secretary giving in detail the very interesting resuits of last year's efforts. 'Election. of officers were conducted by Mr. Willard Vezina with the following results: President - A. Farrow, lst. Vice-Pres. - Hugh Brophy, 2nd. Vice-Pres. - Frank Ginn, The Directors elected were later designated to the following Committees: Junior Programme - Harry Goodfellow with co-chairman - Mrs. Conley MacDonald. Membership - Mrs. Don Husband. Annual Show - Hugh Brophy with co-chairman Frenk Ginn; Hank Freeman to serve in an advisory capacity for the Show; George Maitland- Fertilizer; Vern Hopper ~- Library, Mrs. Dene Clancy and (Cont'd in next colum) Page 4 AROUND THE TOWN Cont'd. Elmer Persson --Way and Means and Programmes; Mrs. Gertrude Cotton - Publicity; Hugh Brophy - Photography; - Test Plots - Harry Smith. Ten Associate 'Directors ~ Jack Todd, Willard Vezina, Mrs. Alice Farrow, Mr. H. C, Laundy, Mrs, John MacDonald, William Mantey, Mrs. R. Boyle, Mr. C. E. Paget, Mrs. Daisy .' Pletzer, Mrs. Glenna MacDonald. Auditors Don Husband and Mrs.: Ethyl Maitland, At a Director's Meeting held Sunday evening Mrs. Mary Middaugh was reinstated for another year as Secretary. The programme concluded with the show- ing of some beautifully colored slides of iris blooms, courtesy the Bezzant Nurseries, Barrie, Ontario and the draw- ing of two door prizes for Five Dollar vouchers from the same company. These were won by Mrs. Dene Clancy and Frank Ginn. HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION MEETING A subject very appealing to the folks of Terrace Bay, "Formation of" and "Government by the Board of", an Improve- ment District, drew many menibers out to the Home and School Meeting Monday evening, despite a real blizzard.. Mr, H. ©. Laundy spoke first on the history of Terrace Bay. Described by Mr. Jack Kelty as one of the "Fathers of Terrace Bay", Mr. Laundy explained the vlanning involved in the creation of this town, and the precautions taken to prevent it's becoming a typical little "Company" town. Mr. Monty Paget as the present Chairman of the Board of the Imorovement District, described the Incorvoration of the Improvement District of Terrace Bay, the functions of the Board as equivalent to that of a Reeve and Coucilmen, and explained details of it's overation. Time had to be called to cease the many questions fired from the floor and readily answered by the two guest sneakers, when Mrs. Ferrier thanked them for their very interesting, enlightening and education- al address. During the business of the meeting, President Craig announced the position of Corresponding Secretary had been filled by Mrs. Alice Farrow and Pub- licity Chairman .by Mrs. Isobel Marsh. Mr. Stan Hodgkiss, Secretary of the local Fish and Game Association was introduced to the Association and drew attention to the Conservation Poster (Cont'd. on Page 5)