MINOR HOCKEY Cont'd. Saturday, January 12th - Our PeeWee All Star team under Coach Con MacDonald played Schreiber in Schreiber and won 3-0, Wynn Whitfield got the shutout for Terrace, : Our Bantams under Jim MacDonald also played Schreiber Sat. morning and lost to Schreiber 3-2, I would like to thank the folks that turned out Sat. morning to drive these » teams in to Schreiber - we had more than enough transportation - it was really nice to see such response on such a cold bitter morning, Friday, January llth Our school team journeyed to Nipigon for a game with their Juvenile team, Terrace got beat 5-3, but from all reports it was one of the best games that these boys played this season, It is hoped to get a return exhibition game with Nipigon on Jan, 25th, so watch the News folks for this game and come out and support our School team, o-0-0 - JUNIOR BOYS! FISH & GAME CLUB Cont'd. from page 3 and mineral formations by displaying a very large and excellent collection of rock specimens. He also demonstrated the use of a dip needle and a Geiger counter, and the boys were very interest- ed in the operation of these two instruments, particularly the Geiger counter, Prior to this talk, the boys were given additional instruction on how rocks are formed, through a science film strip shown by Sta an Hodgkiss, who also lectured on the various points covered by the filn, These Junior programmes are a project sponsored by the Terrace Bay Fish and Game Association, and will continue to be a regular feature for the boys each month, ee 0-0-0 FIGURS SKATING NEWS Tickets for the 2nd half of the figure skating season will go on sale Thursday, January 24th, and Friday, January 25th, between the hours of 2,30 P.M, and 4,30 P.M, at the Recreation Centre Lounge, Please make an effort to (cont'd. next column) FIGURE SKATING NEWS Cont'd. purchase your tickets on either day, Again this year, Mrs. Pattison has drawn up a very good variety program for our "Ice Frolics" and rehearsals are under way. So let's have our show better than ever by each skater coming out to all their practice sessions and giving our professional the co-operation she deserves and will need. Figure Skating Tests It is hoped that we will be able to arrange for judges within the next few weeks, Please watch the "News" for further details, 0-0-0 ATTENTION ALL LADY CURLERS Some confusion has arisen in the past regarding the position a curler must play when substituting for an absent player on another rink, Your attention is called to the Club Rules for the 1956-57. season which are pres- ently posted on the bulletin board at the rink. These rules must be adhered to by everyone. When a player is absent on a rink, the skip may substitute with any member of the club regardless of the position they may play, however, when this is done, the substituting player must play lead position only, and the rest of the rink is to be moved up accordingly. The only exception to this rule is when the Skip is absent. This is covered in the rules. In future, any violation of this rule will mean the automatic forfeiture of the game to the opposing rink, At present, the ladies are playing off for the Seagram's Trophy, This play- off should be completed by Tuesday, Jan, 22nd. On Thursday, Jan. 24th, a round robin will commence for the Hudson Bay Trophy. A copy of the complete schedule will appear in next week's "News", o-0-0 NOTIC# The Annual Meeting of the Terrace Bay Girl Guide Association will be held on Monday, January 28th, at 8,00 P.M. in the small meeting room of the Recreation Centre. All members are urged to attend this meeting as the election of officers will take place then,