AROUND THE TOWN Cont'd. from page 4 and cascades of white carnations, The groom, a son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Hobin, Sarnia, was attended by Donald Paquette as groomsman, and the -- guests were ushered to their seats by Fred Hurley, brother of the bride and the groom's brother, Joseph Hobin Jr, A dinner for eighty guests was served in the parish hall of the church following the service, with Mrs, Hurley receiving her guests in a black sequin- trimmed crepe gown, with beige hat and accessories and corsage of pink roses, Assisting her, Mrs. Hobin chose blue with rose accessories and corsage of pink carnations. Leaving to spend a few days in Toronto, enroute to Terrace Bay, Ont. where they will reside, the bride wore a Dior blue wool sheath dress with tweed topcoat and blue accessories and the gardenias from-her wedding bouquet. The groom-is on the teaching staff of the Terrace Bay High School, x & ' The Catholic Women's League of Terrace Bay will be holding a Valentine - Bridge and Tea on Wednesday afternoon, February 13th, Further details will be announced later, but plan your table now. The regular monthly meeting of Silver Birch Chapter, 0.E.S.:lio, 264 was held on Monday, January 14th. Routine business and initiation was held. A social Bingo is to be held in Schreiber Town Hall March 15th at 8.15 P.M, Social hour and refreshments was enjoyed with Mrs. Louise Corbett Convenor and Committee consisting of Mesdames Elizabeth Hepburn, Flora Bryson, Norma Fummerton and Helen Wallace, Alice Jean McKechnie celebrated her seventh birthday on Saturday, Jan, 12th with a dinner and theatre party, Mrs. Win McKechnie was hostess, Mrs, Betty Anderson held a party to celebrate her daughter Donna!s fourth birthday on Wednesday afternoon, Jan, 16th, Eight little people were busy during the afternoon with games and luncheon, after which they left for home with party favors, Assisting with the party was Grandma Sinkins and Mrs, (cont'd. next colum) Jean Mousseau, Marcia Hamilton celebrated her seventh birthday Wednesday, January 7th with a party for seven guests, Her mother, Mrs. Marge Hamilton served supper after the usual birthday games, and the children departed with treats, Mrs. Marie Dobush and Elizabeth, Joey and Lori spent the Christmas holidays at the Lakehead with Marie's parents, and also all flew to New York to be with Marie's brother and relatives. A most enjoyable holiday was had, 0-0-0 HORTICULTURAL SOCI2TY ANNUAL 1 VEETING Annual meeting of the Horticultural Society will be held this Friday, Jan, 16 at 8,00 P.M, at the Recreation Centre. Election of officers will be conducted. All members are requested to attend this important meeting, It is your executive you will be electing; come out and take an active part in your Society's work, Annual reports will be presented by the committee chairmen, Financial and secretarial reports will be given, Two door prizes, vouchers value at #500 each, will be drawn for during the evening. The prizes are presents from the Bezzant Nurseries, Barrie, Ont. Iris growers, See you at the Horticultural meeting on Friday, Halo ATTENTION MOOSE MEMBERS The next regular meeting will be held Friday, January 25th, 1957 at the Guild Hall, Schreiber, at 7.30 P.M, Following the meeting a. social will be held to which members! wives are invited, Refreshments will be served. Don Andersm!'s group will supply the music, Admission $1.00 per couple, Transportation is arranged for the women from the Recreation Centre at 9,00 P.M. Those wishing to take advantage of the transportation, please contact Mrs, E. Burns, Barbara Haughn, Don Laporte or Reg. Cotton. 0-0-0