THIS-N-THAT CONT'D. from vage 6 gone by. For a while it looked as if Whalen would be out for a2 few games when he banged into the boards against Marathon, but fortunately he escaped with only some pulled muscles. The rough hockey played here really gave the Suveriors their share of aches and pains, but instead of hindering them, they seemed to become more fired up, Here's hoping the Superiors can tack on to their streak another 8 games beginning tonight. Se ye Terrace Bay doesn't return to our Arena until Tuesday, January 15th when they entertain the Schreiber Colts. Between now and the 15th 'the Superiors play 2 games away against Red Rock, the first on January 10th and the second on 'January 13th. Let's keev on supporting the Superiors! . 0-0-0 NORTH SHORE HOCKEY L2AGUE WEEADY SULUBTEN oo ee This is the first season that the Board of Governors has decided as is possible to use, throughout the schedule, - one Referee and two linesmen, As much as. possible, the referee is not from the town whose team is involved in the match, However, to keen expenses down, the linesmen are appointed from the home team's town. These officials come under the jurisdiction of the Board of Governors, and are supervised by it's Vice-President. Under this arrangement, and in accord- ance with the C.A.H.A. Hockey Rules only the Referee is permitted to impose ALL penalties. The duty of the linesmen is to determine any infractions of the rules concerning off-sides at the blue lines and the red centre line, and also any violation of the "Icing the Puck" rule, As linesmen, they shall peint out an offender and report to the referee at the first stoppage of play, their version of any infraction of the rules which constitutes a Major. or Match foul or any conduct calling for a Mis- conduct penalty. Whenever there are only two officials on the ice, both are referees, An Emergency Meeting of the Board of Governors has been summoned for one (eont'd. next column) Pace 8 N.S.H.L. WEEKLY BULLETIN Cont'd, o'clock Sunday, January 13th in Nipigon. The purpose of this meeting is to review the appeal of Jorgenson of Marathon who was suspended from partakins in any games for the current season. In accordance with our Constitution our President has no alter~ native but to call an Emergency Meeting - when he receives written reouest from at least five governors of the twelve on the Board. It is with regret that a fuss must be made when the suspension was passed by an overwhelming majority. One need only refer to a recent issue of any vaner and read that a defenceman of the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League was susvended for a year because'of his stick swinging attack on a goal judge who was fortunate to be behind the protective screening. Many may believe that ours is an out-~ law League because of Jorgenson being allowed to play with the Port Arthur Bearcats, who come under the jurisdictien of 'the T.BsA.H.A. This 1S not: true' since we are obligated to pay this season $260, to be an affiliate of the Thunder Bay Amateur Hockey Association. Yes it is true that Jorgenson has vlayed in some exhibition games with the Bearcats and an anSwer will be requested from the T.B.A.H.A. when they attend this coming Sunday's meeting. After all if the Terrace Bay Superiors were forced to recognize the suspension of a olayer by the Amateur Hockey Association of the United States which was recognized by the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association, The Thunder Bay Amateur Hockey Associatien and The North Shore Hockey League, then by the same token should recornize any suspensions levied by our League, Regarding Teams' and Players! statistics, we are to understand from Secretary-Statistician George O'Neill of Nipigon that the reason for the hold-up in releasing same is that some locales are holding up without reason the referees! reports. According to our resulations these aré to be surrendered to the Sec- retary immediately following each game, However, he has promised to delve into the matter and release the statistics in the near future. Representing the Terrace Bay Suneriors franchise at the Emergency Meeting on Sunday will be Governors Peter E, Mazza and Murdo D. Campbell,