COMMUNITY CHURCH Senior Sunday School Beginners Sunday ool Junior Sunday.School 9230 A.M, 11,00 AVM, 2.00 P.M, 17,00) AVM. MORNING SERVICE iw The Lord's Sup will be administered at this service, sincere invitation is ; extended to all Christians to unite with us nédlaay sk. service and sacrament, ANNUAL MEETING OF CONGREGATION This meeting will take place of the regular evening service, It is hoped that all those interested in the life of the Church will make a special effort to be present. Reports of. the various organizations will be read, plans will be formulated for 1957. Three members will be appointed - to the Church Board and one - to the Board of Trustees, A social hour will follow the A aed 7,30 P.M, Sr 0-0-0 LIBRARY REVIEWS Afternoon of an Autocrat - Norah Lofts This is the story of a village community at the close of the 18th century in England and the people both high and lowborn who belong to it. Their fortunes and misfortunes weave a back- ground for the two main plots, Miss Lofts writes an excellent historical novel combining broad history with individual romance and intrigue. Take An Island - Anne Spearman Anne Spearman is an Englishwoman married to a South American Construction Engineer, She and her three sons joined her husband and settled down on an island in the Orinoco River, Here they lived a Swiss-Family-Robinson existence and the delicately reared Englishwoman, who had not yet learned to cook, was faced each day with poisonous snakes, lizards. and very primitive living conditions. She tells her story humorously and seems to have enjoyed her stay in their tropical paradise, (cont'd, next column) so | Ls MARTIN'S CHURCH Saturday, January 12th,, 1957 Confessions 3-4 P.M, 7-8 P.M, - Sunday, January 13th., 1957. ek 8.15 A.M, en 9,30 A.M. Ne Benediction Sunday: evening ae at 7.30 P.M. Mass during x the week at 8,00 A.M, and on Saturday at 8.30 A.M. The regular monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League will be held on Sunday, January 13th., in the church basement, following Benediction. | All members are reminded that this will also be our Communion Sunday -- You are asked to meet in the church basement before the 8.15 Mass 0-0-0 LIBRARY NEWS ~ Cont'd. Comparative Circulation Report for December 1955 and 1956 aa 1956 Children 369 423 Adult 512 560. Total 881 . (Ot Increase of 102 Record Circulation for December,- 1956 LIBRARY HOURS Monday and Wednesday afternoons 2.30 to 4,30 P.M, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings 7.00 to 9,00 P.M, 0-0-0 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who contributed so very generously to a purse for us. Particularly, we are greatly indebted to the thoughtful -organ- izers of this very kind gesture. Your thoughtfulness will ever be remembered, Joe and Anne Lalonde & Family