iZN'S TEN PIN Prev, lst eta smd Total Team Eise., Game Game Game Pts, Pts. Braves 703. 715 755. 731. 17. 875 Overheads 74 653 708 691 8. 82 Engineers 65 676. "72h... 748.15 80 Warriors 63 SO3t TG tak Royals 65 698 669 651 64 714 Bears'. . 58 9728. 669. 717 ..11 I Domats 66 -------=- Forfeit-------- ao... Kettles 42% STS" Tide, OF asthn bake High Games and Series - V. Thompson 488, J. Shubaly 180 for 479, S. Lundberg 178 for 467, F, Hanm- 467, R,. Grishaber 185 for 465. 0-0-0 LADIES FIVE PIN Standing Schreiber 27 Pts. Left Overs 22% pts. Our Gang ooh pts, Good Gals 15 pts. High Singles - J. Semeniuk 263, 211, M. Lundberg 247, B, Edmunds 202, D. Coupal 207, HE. Ross 212, B, Whent 206, High Triples - J. Costall 538, E. Ross 561, B, Whent 540, B, Edmunds 501, D. Lea ae 501, M, Lundbert 537, J. Semeniuk D3 0-0-0 BOWL-A-FUN CONTEST OPEN TO TERRACE BAY BOWLERS As an added interest to the Bowlers of ' this year, entry blanks have been obtained for local bowlers to participate in this All- Ontario Contest. The Bowl-A-Fun contest is sponsored by the Ontario Bowling Proprietors Association with prizes awarded by Dow!s Brewery Ltd, $400.00 in prizes are awarded weekly with distribution as follows: rst 'Prize = 150,00 gnd Prize - ~75,00 3rd Prize = 50.00 Plus three 25.00 special prizes, The rules as listed below are simple and the cost to the bowler and association is Di '1. Scores must be made in league play and in a bowling alley that is a member of the 0.B.P.A. 2. All bowlers must be registered 'on the official registration form, 3. Scores must be submitted on 'the official weekly entry cards, signed by the league secrétary and alley manager. 4. Weekly entry card must be received (Cont. on next col.) Page 8 BOWL-A-FUN CONTEST OPIN Loe TERRACE. BAY BOWLERS (Cont. ) not later than 3:00 p.m.s on the Monday following that week's contest. 5. To compute team score: add scores in same game of five high bowlers only, plus their handicaps. 6, Equal chance to all bowlers. Each bowler (5 scores to count only) is allowed 100% of the difference between his average score and 260 as a handicap. It might be noted here the above rules pertain to five pin bowling only. A contest is also open to 10 Pin Bowlers with a weekly prize of 50.00, Rules are as above except no 6 i.e. the handicap allowance is different with each bowler allowed 100% of the difference between his average and 200. We are awaiting word to see if we are eligible to part- icipate in the 10-Pin contest as our teams consist of four bowlers only. For further details on the contest see Leon at the alleys. We still have Tuesday open for a Mixed 5-pin league. Several people are interested but we need at least four teams to forma league, If you are interested in entering >a team or bowling in this League please phone John Graham at 281 at the mill or 391 'at home, If entries can be received by Saturday Noon November 10th, 1956 a schedule will be drawn up and the league can get underway Tuesday night Noverber 13th, 1956. 0-0-0 NOTICE TO ALL BOYS 11 YEARS AWD OLDER The Fish and Game Club will hold another meeting for you on Saturday morning, October 10th at 10:30 a.m. in the large room in the Rec, Centre, Films will be shown and along with other items of instruction there will be a lesson on fly-tying which you will find very interesting. Let's have a good turnout. We are getting ready form you fellows into a little club of your own with your own officers, The time of the meeting does not. interfere with any hockey practices and will be over by 12:00-noon, o-0-0