- ribbons, VALENTINO-O'CONNOR NUPTIALS . Standards of white mums adorned the ~~ altar of St. Martin's Roman Catholic Church in Terrace Bay on Saturday, November 3rd when Delores Anita, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, E. Valentino of Jackfish, was united in marriage with Mr. Roderick - O'Connor, son of Mr. and Mrs, W. J, O'Connor of North Bay, Ont.. Reverend. E. C. Gallagher officiated. White satin bows marked the family pews. The wedding music was played by lis, E, Pineault and the soloist was lirs, A. Gerow. Escorted to the altar by her father, the bride wore a tier skirt of nylon tulle net with large panels of imported Chantilly lace. The tight fitted bodice, the wasp waist wes made with Chantilly lace and a tiny collar trimmed with seed pearls, The long sleeves were lily-pointed at the wrists. Her chapel veil of silk illusion embroidered net formed three tiers and fell from a flat coronet of Chantilly lace with scallops in seed pearls and clipped to the sideswith lily-of-the- valley. The bride wore satin brocaded pumps and carried a nosegay of mauve orchids and.a shower of rose buds with her white bridal prayer book, Maid of honour, Miss Rose Leschuk wore a cocktail length gown of Rivera blue lace and net over taffeta, A diagonal insert of lace enhanced the skirt, and the strapless bodice of lace was topped by a short-sleeve bolero, also of lace, Miss Joyce Valentino was Junior Bridesmaid for her sister and wore a Rivera blue dress in blocked organza over a large crinoline of taffeta, The bodice was shirred at the round neckline and finished with scallops of organza and nosegay of The dress had a wide taffeta sash forming a,huge bow at the back with little puff sleeves. Both attendants wore blue mittens and a halo of blue French flowers, and carried a cascade of pink carnations. Brother of the bride, Mr. Albert Valentino was groomsman, while Messrs, Arnold Almos and Gerald Nicol of Jackfish and Paul Pelto of Schreiber ushered, Following the ceremony a wedding break- fast was served at Hotel Terrace and the wedding reception was.held in the evening at Jackfish Hall, The bride's Mother received in a navy blue suit with pink accessories and wore a corsage of pink roses. Assisting Mrs. Valentino was Mrz, V. Vergili, sister of the groom, who wore a two-piece suit of biack with black (Cont. on next col.) Page 5 VALENTINO-O'CONNOR NUPTIALS (Cont. ): 'oh accessories and pink roses. Centering the bride's table,:on a white linen cloth was a crystal bowl of white mums, flanked by pink tapers in crystal holders... The three tier wedding cake decorated with a bride and groom under an archway was 'set on a side table on a cloth of ecru lace' and surrounded by white tulle and the bridal bouquets. Mr. M, Payetta»proposéd the toast to the bride, and Mrs. M, 'Payetta cut the wedding cake, The guest book was cir- culated by Miss June Cherutti and servitors were lirs, D, Henrikson, urs. J. Leschuk, Mrs, R. Sinotte and Mrs, A, Valentino. For their wedding trip. to North Bay, the bride wore a light.blue cashmere dressmaker's suit with beige accessories and a corsage of pink roses, li. and Mrs, O'Connor will reside in Jackfish. Out-of-town guests were Mr. J. O'Connor and Mrs, V. Vergili of North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. M. Payetta of Port Arthur, Mrs, Bill Fummerton of Fort William, Mrs, Lena Jorgenson with ; Marlene and Gary of Nipigon, iir. and irs, H, Legault of Rossport,. Entertaining for the bride before her marriage were Mrs, Irene Henrikson, Misses Rose Leschuk and June Cherutti of Jackfish, Mrs, Jean Carmichael and Mrs. Evelyn Falzetta of Terrace Bay. A stag was held for the groom by Mr, Paul Pelto at Jackfish Lake, 0-0-0 FIGURE SKATING NEWS A season ticket costing $12.00 per member will include membership fee, carnival fee, and approximately 40 lessons. Tickets will go on sale in the. lounge of the Rec, Centre Thursday, Nov, 8th from 3:00-5:00 pem. and Saturday, Nov, 10th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, These season tickets may.be vaid in two installments - one at the beginning of the season and the second payment to be paid by Jan. 8th, 1957, There will be a patch session from 1:00-2:00 p.m, Sunday, Nov. 11th. 0-0-0 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Next General Meeting of the Society will be -held on Fri, Nov. 16th, at the Rec. Centre at 8:00 p.m. Every member is urged to attend this important meeting. Several important business matters will be discussed among them election of officers for next yeare