UIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT (Cont. ) A Wonderful Guy, - Presentation of thro ried Bar! was next on the programme with Mr, John Graham, President of the Bowling Association pre- senting the, Inter-form Bowling Trophy to Barrie Marquis for Grade IX, Other members of this team were. Betty MacFadyen, Clifford Knauff, Judy Boutilier and Norma Schock, Students! Council Award was made by the President of the Council, Marvin, Steen to Sharon Marquis, Sharon received this award for having made the highest points in the Senior Girl's Track and Field. A Trophy donated by Stanley Savoy for the Most Valuable Hockey Player was received by Daniel Kenney. Mr. Ken Ward, Recreation- al Director made the presentation, Inter Mural Curling Trophy, donated by the Terrace Bay Men's Curling Club was pre- sented by their president, Mr, J. (Curly) Hale to Jack Little. This rink had been comprised of Skip - Jack Marsh, Second- Jack Little; Third - Murray Pletzer and Lead - Pat Romaniuk,. Concluding the programme was the Val- edictory Address by Paul Marcella, who summed up his four year in Terrace Bay High School and bid farewell to class- mates. 0-0-0 | EVENING CLASSES At the organization class on Monday, the Applied Electricity Students decided their nights and hours would be Monday and Friday, from 6 to 8 p»m. Would those members of the.class who were on shift please note the nights and the hours, If there are others interested in joining this class, please contact Mr, D, A. Locking at the High School or attend the classes on the above mentioned nights, | The Typewriting and Shorthand class decided their nights and hours of instruction will be Tuesday, and Wednesday from 6:30, p.m. till 9:00 p.m. with Group 1 coming at 6:30 and Group 2 coming at 7:30. Would the members of this class please check below for their particular :group.. Since there are fifteen typewriters only, the division of the class must remain equal but a member of Group, 1 may exchange with a member of Group 2 providing the change is mutually agreeable, Group 1 - 6:30-8:00 p.m. M, Cairns L. Jolin M, Milks V. Claxton EB, Maitland D. Pletzer (Mrs) A, Farrow R. Marcella D. Pietzer-. F, Heinrich G, MacDonald LL, Shubaly P, Hunt R. Vezina '° D,. Timpano (Cont. on next col,) Page 12 EVENING CLASSES (Cont. ) Group 2 - 7:30 -.9:00 p.m. J. Brearley. F, Ginn N. Coates M, Lundberg J. Cumming B. MacDonald ;hbdjeFerrier J, Matush H. Gs Hail D, Pastor M, Thorsteinson C, Roddy D. Yonin R. Savoy 0-0-0 TOWNSITE BUILDING In order to erect or to remove any structure whose value is in excess of $100 in the Improvement Dist. of Terrace Bay official permission must be obtained, This permission is granted only when the proposed construction complies with the standards established by the Building Code and is indicated by the issuance of a Building Permit. Anyone who fails to obtain permission is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars and costs. The procedure to. be followed in obtaining a permit is: 1. Provide in triplicate a detailed plan or sketch of the proposed construction to the Building Inspector. This should indicate the building location on the lot and also the type of exterior finish to be applied, 2. After receiving the written approval of the Inspector present one copy to the Secretary of the Improvement Dist. Board who will issue a Building Permit in accord- ance with the following fees: Cost of Structure FEE _ $100 up to $2,000 1,00 . $3 , 000 1,50 $4. 000 2.00 $5,000 2450 and 1,50 for each $5,000 or fraction thereof,. 3. The Building Permit shall be pro- minently displayed on the site and only then may any construction commence, NOTE: If there be any alterations or deductions from, the original plan then these, must be approved in writing by the Building Inspector, Some examples of construction requiring a building permit would be the building of a new house or garage, alterations or add- itions to an existing house or the erection of a lean-to or, shed, The Building Code is for your protection and the protection of the public and, any violation of it will _ result in a person being liable for pro- secution. --- Improvement District of, Terrace Bay.