Rae Ge) MEN'S TEN PIN BOWLING LeaGit MiXeD TEN PIN LEAGUE Prey. ist 2nd 3 Robes Je Shubaly's team leads with 12 Team Pts... Game Gane soints followed by A. Checkryn: with Braves 28 725 7O3 f 9 points, F, Hanna with 9 points and Domats ot. LOG iter a Le Checkryn with 6 points, OUR en ae 689. 657 3 High games were: B, Shirriff 176, Overheads 23 a a boe og > Checkryn 159-152-470, P. Diduch Engineers 27 637 ..607 Bs 23 tte ~L7mk67, L. Shubaly 151-146-431 Bears 12 Til POC LEO Acekah atte R. Shirriff 154-416, D. Thompson 145~- Warriors 1s Oe ROO a Gl ae 140. 414, Ve Hanna + 175, V. Thompson Kettles de Dine i DSL age g 2) 161. High Series - 0. Buck 122,179,186 547, Re Shirriff 187, 172-5 Nt denna, 161, 3193-495, T. Willise one rea 0-0-0 High Game - R, Stechiw - 191, Om Qnty Tee ae Ae Ce laet ak C OO Bo hae CLUB. ..NEWS Ea NN NET RRR he AlN SEN ST A aR RS CR OI I RS SR A Generel Meeting sO the Terrace Bay Lacies Curling Club willbe held on Thursday, October 18th, 1956, in the wee ag Gino Lounge av the Rec, Centre, . All those wishing to 'curl are urged to eet 3 ev red very important matters will be discussed at this meeting. A membership apoiitation biank ming season is attached and it is re- quested that all lady curlers and we ne = ait get their applications in as soon as 'possible. Mail your @pplication to Mrs, | Betty Bouchard, Secretary, P.O. Box 555, Terrace Bay, or give it to any member >of the exeortierns LSA CS CS SL TO OO CE OSL LE CO CED RY Oe ae One UR SR 8 So ER ERNST OE FE DTN A NO AAO Fe | «ME NOE Gere ane cori Cae en ern nh goin oy eis me ond onload esis tome glen hi asi deepens enenloum ens etibionp ots neidlinds oss lh etirome ealp onus ona a ee ee re ee me oe ee CRN me ee eae a om NAME (Print) T¢n© ADDRESS LOS REN RS ET EN Re PHONE NUMBER _ A RE FR a I EE OR rR GS ee POSITION YOU PREFER TO PLAY AO eR RRR ee nm IF NEW APPLICANT, NO. YEARS CURLING EXPERIENCE. SIGNED Pere keg eh een DATE SUBMITTED 9) Seo0 parE, REORTVED (Mail to Mrs, Betty Some hs i Bex 555, Terrace Bay, Ontario) 2S LE ES EOS ST Oe NN Oe EN RE FN RR Rk Oe SEMEL" the or pine emnomnone emrene- ee me eee tae ep aes an een ee ee peewee eo Ree ne pn A ye ere ee