SANDRA LOCKING AND RHEA LECLAIR WIN KIWANIS PROFICIENCY AWARDS (Cont.) with their teachers and fellow students, Mr, Locking sincerely congratplated each winner, Rhea LeClair lives on Selkirk Avenue and is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rene LeClair. Mr. Rene LeClair works at the LongLac Pulp and Paper Company Mill at Terrace Bay. Rhea has two brothers and a sister at home, Sharon Locking lives on Birch Crescent and is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Dave Locking. Mr, Locking is the principal of the Terrace Bay High School. Sharon has three sisters at home. Congratulations are certainly in order for Sharon and Rhea as the first © winners of the Kiwanis Proficiency Awards. The winners will have their pictures and, their names entered upon a suitably framed honour roll which will be placed in each school and which will be utilized for many years to come. o=-0=0 TERRACE BAY KIWANIS KIDDIES FISHING CONTEST The heaviest speckled trout weighed at the L& L is 2 lbs, 7 O%e, second L Dbig L Om, The heaviest pike or pickeral is 10 lbs. 8 0z., second 7 lbs. 12 02, Up to now not a lake trout has been entered = ~~ so come on kids keep bringing those fish in, The contest runs until September 15th for boys and girls 8 to 1) years inclusive. A total of six prizes in the three groups are waiting to be won by some lucky youngster. 0-0-0 PONY LEAGUE Any boys 13 to 16 years of age who want to play ball, be at the ball diamond at 1:15 on Saturday, June 30th. Any persons who would like to Umpire, Manage or Coach any of these teams, please contact Ed Belliveau, phone Noe 228, 0-0-0 BASEBALL ~~ Practice Tuesday - eh :00 pam. July 3rd Thursday- 6:00 p.m. July 5th Hope to play Marathon at 1:30 p.m, Sunday July 8th, Will confirm this game in next week's paper. 0-0-0 Page 7 TERRACE BAY FISH AND GAME ASSOCIATION Despite the heavy rain, a very success--- \ ful program for teen-age boys was held on Sate urday afternoon June 23rd. After a showing of films depicting wild life items. of interest "to the boys a safety film dealing with blast- ing caps and detonaters was shown and dis- cussed, The program was then carried on in the Arena, consisting of instruction in water safety items, such as the handling of small boats and canoes, followed by a demonstration of fly casting - bait casting and spin fishing with instruction and dis- cussion on the various types of baits and lines used, The instructors for this session were 'Ken MacLeod, Bob Hales, Verl Thompson and Stan Hodgkiss and this group wish to compliment the boys on their excellent behaviour and attentiveness titougnout, the afternoon, At the regular monthly meeting of the Association held on Monday, June 25th an- interesting discussion period was developed. A very welcome visitor, Mr. R. A. Ryder, District Biologist of the Dept. of Lands and Forests, Port Arthur was in attendance and he answered numerous questions advanced by the members present in a most instructive manner . A film on the "Sea Lamprey" and an instructional film on forest fire fighting concluded the meeting. 0-0-0 FOR SALE One Baby's Playpen and mattress One Folding Safety Gate _ $1.50 Phone S. Reid, No, 252 Schreiber, 0-0-0 WANTED TO BUY One used washing machine and also one double bed, Apply K. Weibbenhorst, Walker's Lake, 0-0-0 LOST One child's teddy bear (Brown and White), vicinity of ball park, Childs prized possession. Finder please contact Al Ziegelman, phone 57h. o-0-0