ATTENTION BOYSi Sometime next: week circulars. will be sent around to all three schools requesting the | names and ages of boys between.12 and 18 _years interested ina Gym Class for the summer months, : This class is backed by the 'Recreation Association as part-'of their summer program to provide entertainment and "some- thing to do" for the' boys-in this age group. The classes will be conducted by Gordon Savoy, whose studies at Queen's University in Physical and Health Educa- tion. cover this type of. program, - The classes are not compulsory, and do not be afraid to'sign up for fear you may not want to. attend, They are _for you, and' any suggestions you may have concerning anything about the class will be greatly appreciated and thoroughly considered, As of yet we have no set schedule, but we do*hope to do work in Gymnastics, Volleyball, Basketball, and Conditioning; and almost. anything else you boys would like, We have access to the High School Gymasiun, with some work being done cutside, _ We-hope to have the first Class on Saturday, June 2nd, from 1:30 until 4:00 pem, Why net come out and have a look around = this could be a lot of fim - and what the heck} It's Free. Watch -- next week's. NEWS for further details, O~9~0 TEEN CHATTER ~ TEEN TOWN DANCE SATURDAY iS) '<oeonereeee ee eee MAY D447 MAY 200R. a "brass" of Teen Town has been bogged down a little, The oil of co-operation from all quarters that produces a smooth- , running organization is: found to be lacking slightly. "It's no matter of great concern, however; and can be passed off as inexperience, Some things have been accomplished, and to keep everyone "up to date, here's the latest dope: First, Jack Marsh was unanimously voted the office of Treasurer for our Glub on the' 15th of May, Jack will re- lieve Pat Romaniuk of her financial® -- burdens, since. she was previously Sec- retary-Treasurer, and will leave her ree to look after her chores as "bookie", Second,at this same meeting, the Athletic Committee, wiich consists of Carl Kolody, Chairman, Sandra McInnes, Recorder, Pat Romaniuk, Barry Marquis, Marvin Steen and Doreen Pletzer, presented a schedule for this summer's activities, This 'report (Cont. on. next 'col, ) Page 7 TEEN CHATTER (Cont.) -- NLT AE was read again at an executive meeting held last Saturday, May 19th, but no decision was made, either to accept, reject, or modify it, pending further investigation by the Committee. A schedule will soon be set and all members 'notified. of., it in due time. . Third, the deadline for 'the Crest Contest .has arrived and departed, leaving me with several entries, any one of which would make a sharp crest. These designs will be judged and the winner of the free trip to next year's conference announced in .the near future, And finally, the executive members of the Club have been plagued by a... number of problems concerning. the success and failure. of Teen Town: nights. Don't just sit back and let us get all the gray hairs - let's have some suggestions. We may try as hard as we can, but still everyone won't be pleased, If you as a member have any pet beefs, why, shoot 'em in}, We'll be happy to have them... And' don't forget the Teen Town Dance this Saturday night, 'May 26th in the Auditorium. See you there]... P, A. Miller, President » 0-0-0 a KIWANIS KIDDIES FISHING CONTEST Don't forget to bring in your fish to Ralph Lindberg at the L& L, You may qualify for one of the six prizes for the heaviest Lake Trout, speckled' trout, pike or pickeral,' 'Contest is open between May 1, 1956 and September 15, 1956 for ages 8 to 14 inclusive, 0-0-0 * THANK YOU NOTE We wish to thank:all the Longlac -- employees that gave-to us so generously It was docply appreciated, Les and Doris. Legault e-0-0 "i NOTICE Would the person who borrowed a compass from Malcolm Spidéll last --. fall kindly return it to the' Guard Station at the Mill, 0-0-0