: caceanpenmaag 2 MG" eh te ee ete IFES 3 -800000606060096:. i i i! ie ly ane April 13th-1,th-Matinee , a LUCY GALLANT starring Jane Wyman, and. ty Charlton ae aie i L5th-16-17th " 'THE FRENCH LINE starring Jane Russell and Gilbert, Roland. April 18th-19th BULLET FOR JOEY ¢ 0-0-0 RECREATION FLYER YOUTH RALLY . Last week 7 teenagers represented Terrace Bay at a Youth Rally in Ft. Frances, After a long, tiring rip, our 4 boys and 3 girls arrived and found their living accom. odation. The rally took in over 200 teen-. agers, some from Atikokan,,. Dryden, ibe Frances, Port Arthur, Rainy RIVER» Emo and 'Terrace Bay. For the two days, all teenagers sat in and participated in four discussions on - Boy-Girl Relationship Teen Ager and Church _Teen Ager and -Home Teen Ager and Play Each person had the opportunity to 'distuss problems that exist to the person himself and to home, which we as parents would never hear of at home, The doctors and clergy persons leading these groups could only preise the value of these rallies. Our representatives were few in number compared to the other groups, but when discussion regard--- ing the meeting place for next year's rally came up, many shouts were for Terrace Bay, although by vote Atikokan was chosen, The behaviour of. all en route and in Ft. Frances was good and we hope that next year we may "have 50-60 teenagers attending from Terrace Bay. their opinions of the rally, The teenagers appreciated very inuch the financial-help that our local Kiwanis Club and Recreation Associatiion gave, Page 3 c. RECREATION FLYER (Cont, ) ' MINOR HOCKEY FINALS withe 9 be Nee mg eae: 'This year the two PeeWee teams in the playoffs were the' Canadians and the Leafs, This was a tough series, being the best out of three." It was unfortunate that more people could not witness these 'boys play that deciding game, Our champioqns for the ""1955~56 series were the Maple oes eee boys} oe TEEN TOW TOWN . ~~ Our next Teen Town will be qn suena _. April 21st, and we are again mentioning _ the need of everyone havinga membership card who wishes to attend. These cards are available at the door on the night of the club activities for $1.50. 'To have a Club, you must have members - so join soon. , ROLLER SKATING Be sure that. you are in on the roller skating this season. We hope to have the season start earlier than last year. There is no greater fun than to have this activity included in your group's recreation on a regular basis. The music for 'this season Will 'be, the top music played by a tape recorder, so if you want good music -- fun, plan to roller skate.: CIGARETTE MACHINE The Recreation peta peer has bought a cigarette vending machine and installed ait in the guard station at the mill ontrance, "This machine will vend a package of cigarettes and a book of matches for thirty- five cents, The thirty-five cents may be made up cf any combination of nickels, dimes and quarters, Anyone wishing to buy cigarettes is requested to give the correct change to the guard on duty, who will Sperety the machine for him, As in the case of Coca-Cola sales in the mill, all proceeds from the sale of cigarettes will be administered by the Recreation Committee in the furtherance of the overall recreation program in Terrace Baye Speak to those who attended and DEAR i eek iy Odeo"