J Na Th SKATING CLUB NEWS Peete It is wnfortunate that so many: of our skaters are ill, and we.sincerely hope they will be well by Friday. We suggest the children wear long stockings or. skating 'tights and sweaters for. the dress rehearsal. Dress rehearsal is at.5:30 Friday. The children will be met at the door and directed to the dressing rooms, and those 'parents who wish to call for the smak] children may.do so at 7:00. peme -- The children will be supervised, and we will do our utmost. to keep them war', : - All costumes except the Chinese, Russian, and Arabian will be left at the arena Friday night. . Please be sure that each separate piece of each costume has your name on it, and please: 'bring a hanger for. each costume, Bach child will bring, a paper shopping bag with their 'name on it. Their under clothing wili 'be. placed in i to avoid confusion. Those we Meal inn ar pont an ran lenenm at, home, 0-0-0 BRNSH STROKES FROM THE ART CLUB Last wnuesday,- the meeting of. 'the - .errace Bay-Schreiber Art Club proved of great interest to all those who attended, Slides of one hundred paintings were viewed "and discussed by our instructor and membere Needless to say, all of the paintings did not. make a favourable impression on all of us, which made the evening lively, to say "the least. (Littlebrown bird of the inner eye indeedi{ -+ a mess, that's nbat it wos, a red messi) The future big days in Terrace are . April 27h and 28th,.when the Art Club will hold their first Art and Craft Exhibit, Art Collections are being imported from other Amateur' Art Clubs in the Thunder Bay : District eal A.waluabl e oil painting - will be - offered'as a door prize. Tickets will go on sale soon for the raffle to be held in comection with this important event, The a Joco? eommer landscape in . vils,; wit. ve displayed at the Rec, Centre. Plan to buy a ticket anc. 7 aye flourish 'in your community. - 0-0-0. fui Dee 2TH Page) § ARE YOU mreRbgtiep "TN CHILDREN? Tinies, "Zens" and "Teens". Their age is 'akfterent, stheir mead is the same, "te waactt The Childrait s Ag "Societit'are constantly in need: of foster. homes both Protestant: And Roman C&thoLic for children who, for: various "reagens, have been denied a home and: parents of their own, For many: the -answer can never be adoption but these-children still need a normal home anid' "the Love of a family. If you like children and would be interested to*hear further part- iculars regarding becoming foster. parents please contact: Miss E. C. Robinson, District Representative, Box 687, Geraldton, Ontario. . 0-0-0. "HANK YOU_NOTE ee ig we Wour. Tike to take this oppor- tunity to Thank Dr. McCausland and Dr, Campbell and the nurses on duty at the hospital the night I got hurt, Also Terrace Bay D-c™ect#-r Association and the Marathon Hockey GLub for flowers received in the hospital. And to the © Terrace Bay Superiors for the Welcome Home Bouquet of flowers. Our thanks | vo everyone who helped in any way for letters, cards, and parcels received, - Your thoughtfulness will always be ' appreciated and remembered, . Doris & Les Legault 0-0-0 FOR FOR SALE "Get ines Stove ' Westinghouse Laundromat CGE Deluxe Refrigerator Singer Flectric Sewing Machine 1955 Phillips 66 Radio Record Player | Spartan Mantel Radio Rexair Vacuum Cleaner _ One steel tube and one youth bed 5 piece Kitchen Table and Chairs 2 Rugs - Sunbeam Mixmaster.. Goffee Table and Nest of aniens 4, Piece Sectionalized Chesterfield Contact Jord ™get,; House 42, Phone 413. ! 0-0-0