| \/ | COMMAND starring Guy Madison, 'Joan Weldon and James Whitmore. | SS "Januar - 2enda2' rd? th ~ SEVEN LITTLE FOYS starring . Bob.-Hope -and: eens January 25th-26th END OF THE AFFAIR starring Deborah, Kerr and Van LE Johnson. FIRE PREVENTION NEWS STOP LOOK AND LISTEN Stop Look and Listen was the title of our fire prevention message last week. 'We did listen to the radio and heard about another. fire and a mother and her three children perished in a fire in the eastern part of the province. Fires in Ontario killed 182 persons last year accord~ ing to information released by the Ontario Fire Marshall's office, Almost half the 'deaths occurred in the last three months of 1955 and included 25 men, 19 women and 29 children, During the year there were 352 persons injured by fire... Property loss for the year shows a slight increase over 1954. Total damage has been estimated at $26,528,352. with some major blazes still to be adjusted, WRONG FUSE CAN BE LETHAL "Ontaria last year had more than 22, 000 fires causing property loss of $29, 275,000, Careless smoking caused more fires 'than any other single thing, but electrically caused fires were responsible for the greatest damage. It is doubtful if much is to be accomplished by warnings directed to persons capable of leaving smoldering cigarette butts in Chesterfields and Chairs, but something might be achieved by hammering away at the sause of electrical fires, * . Defective wiring, to which many otherwise unexplained fires are attributed,. is a vague term which could reflect upon > quite competent electricians. It.is more likely to be the result of amateur tinkering. Regulations require that a permit be ob- tained for wiring alterations and that in- (Cont. on next.col.) FIRE PREVENTION NEWS (Cont. ) WRONG. FUSE CAN BE LETHAL spections be made afterwards, A house=-. holder or part-time contractor often dos a job without either, Electrical wiring & is definitely not in the do-it-yourself category. Electrical fires are not unusual in - old buildings where wiring was intended "to carry only lighting, but in which the _o¢cupants are now plugging in appliances overloaded circuits result. People put a "~. 30-ampere fuse in a.15-amp socket forcing - the wires to carry too much current. To an overheated metal-clad cable overloaded with a 30-amp fuse was attributed an $80,000. fire in Kitchener Ontario not long ago, On the eve of Fire Prevention week there appears in the news a story of youghful heroism in connection with a house fire near Piekering, Ontario in which three children perished, and of the quick respons of neighbours in starting a fund for the family. : Reports indicate that overloaded wiring caused the fire, Whether or. not that wasgo in this case, it is happening all - the time through failure of people to recognize the hazard, All oil burner installations in Terrace Bay have to be. . - approved by the Hydro inspector and a. certificate of inspection is given. Also the Fire Chief makes an inspection of the burner installation. Under the 15 ampere fuse is the safety valve of the electrical system in your home, don't overload with a 30 amp fuse, Terrace Bay Fire Dept. 0-0-0 FIRST AID TRAINING Phans are being finalized con anoinee . St. John Ambulance First Aid Training Course. The course consists of six sessions and an examination. This course is given . on company time so that everyone receives: their regular pay while attending it: dur- ing normal working hours. As the course is entirely voluntary, however, there is no pay allowance for . those attending on their normal days off " or time off, Anyone wishing to make application " for the course should get in touch with the Plant Nurse, Roland Wills or Fred Soughton. It should be emphasized that anyone start- ing the training should do everything possible to attend all sessions and write the necessary examination. The class will be limited and it may not be: possible to include all who apply for it.