CCPL BLAK |S ST. MARTIN'S SCHOOL OPENING School opens for all classes on Sept- ember 6th, 1955 at 9:00 a.m. Parents living in the townsite in the southerly portion from the provincial highway are asked to send their kindergarten children at 9:00 a.m. Kindergarten children from northerly part from the provincial highway are asked to arrive for the afternoon session at 2:00 p.m. 0-0-0 PUBLIC SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN Morning Class - 9:00 a.m, Wendy Keller Keith Koski Charlie Zielke Linda Pidluzny Karen Storvold Judith Hubeny Helen Boyd Howard Wood Walter Brown Pamela Cumming Rodney Mercure Marilyn Larson Paul Hutchinson Katherine Smith Timothy Stewart Afternoon Class -- 1:30 p.m. Kathy Cotten Margaret Wallwin Michael Evans---Smith Sandra Synishin Terrence Black Verna Daley Brenda Trudeau Patsy Walker Lawrence Stevens Campbell Craig Mobly Harris Ruth Soughton Allan Turner Valerie Turner Marcie, Hamilton Mary Hopper Linda Hayes 0-0-0 Page 8 OFF THE BAT COLUMN Our All Stars are entered in the Hed Rock Fastball Tournament to take place Sunday and Mondav. If it's an outing on your schedule for this weekend, get out to cheer our boys in their first game at noon Sunday in Red Rock. Plans are progressing favourebly for the softball windup of Friday, September 9th in the Terrace Bay Arena. Tickets at $1.50 per couple will go on sale soon, Refreshments at this Cabaret will be available from 8:30 until 11:00, so don't be too slow in coming in as the bar must close at 11:00. Dancing wili be from 9:30 until 1:00. In accordance with the regulations of the L.C.B.0., those under 21 will not be allowed in the premises until 11:15, At this Cabaret the various awards will be made, Chaired Officers of the Association are to select the League's MVP from the slate presented them by the players, Con- tenders for this great award are Shift #1's Terry Cavanaugh, Shift #2's Jim Moro, Shift #3's Alf Adrian, Shift #4's Cliff Wood and Salary's Bill Borsum, The guess is now on, "Who will be the League's MVP?" For the first time, a trophy known as the President's Award will be presented to the Rookie of the Year, Again, "Who Will be the first to receive this trophy?" The League's MVP and Rookie of the Year awards will be disclosed at the wind up. The Fraser Brace Trophy, emolematic of supremacy in Softball will be presented as well as trophies to W. C. Borswn (High Batting Average 485); W. B, Borsum (RBI 15) J. Moro (Most Hits 17); R. Slattery (Most Hits 17); H. Krahn (RBI 15); W. Kurylo (Most Runs Scored 15); R. Grishaber (Most Runs Scored 15)3 Alf Adrian (Leading Pitcher). There is a carryover of $16.90 to this evening's game, Soon the softball season will come to an end, and judging from the semi-finals, the finals are expected to be a close one with a great class of ball, NOTICE Maurice, the Barber, announces that a Hairdresser is expected to be available beginning September 12th. Bella Begin from Hearst will be the new Hairdresser. Miss Begin received her training in New York and was employed there. For reservations call Terrace Bay > 209. Room and Board will be required by the new Hairdresser. Please call 299.