MG SSPONGE PUDDING 72 cup sugar tbs. flour f2 -., tSPp, salt egg yolks cup milk tbs, lemon juice : tsp. grated lemon rind egg whites Mix sugar, flour and salt. Beat egg yolks slightly; add with milk, Add lemon juice and rind. Beat egg whites stiff; fold in. Pour into greased baking dish, Place in pan of hot water; bake in moderate oven (350°F,) 45 min, Chill, NNNENED BE 0-0-0 STORK CLUB NEWS Congratulations this week go to Mr, and Mrs, William MacKenzie on the birth of a son on August 21st, 0-0-0 AROUND THE TOWN Mr, and Mrs, George Canfield of Parry Sound announce the engagement of their daughter Gwendolyn Ann to Ronald Paul Cavanaugh, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Cavanaugh, Terrace Bay, The marriage to take place on Monday, September 5th, 1955 at 9:00 in St. Peters Church, Parry Sound, We extend our sympathy to Mrs, Mary Baillie whose sister, Mrs, Edith Matheson of London, Ontario passed away on August 9th. Mrs, Baillie returned last Saturday. from attending the funeral in London. Mr. and Mrs, Wilf Campbell of Port Arthur spent a weekend visiting Mr. and. Mrs, Roland Wills recently, and their (Cont. on next col,) Page 4 AROUND THE TOWN (Cont.) © daughter Patricia remained as their guest until last weekend. : Freddie McMillan arrived home last Saturday from another visit to Deer Lodge Hospital, Winnipeg. Mrs, Beth Goneau returned home Wed- nesday from a brief visit also to Deer Lodge Hospital, Mrs. Rosemary Sernesky entertained Tuesday afternoon for her son Michael who was celebrating his third birthday. Twelve guests attended and games and a lovely luncheon were enjoyed by all, Sheila Zwaresh and Betty Ollen-Bittle assisted with the children, i Virginia and Gary Galvin have re- turned from a holiday in Duluth and in Wisconsin where they visited with Mr, and Mrs, Carter. On their return they brought home son Gordon who had been the guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown of Port Arthur, and also Virginia's brother Donald Brown, who remain in Terrace Bay for the next two weeks, Mr, and Mrs; Eddie DeRozea and family of Fort William were guests of Gladys and Bill Kujbida last weekend, Irene and Mel Nicol have returned from their holidays spent in Fort William with Irene's Mother, Mrs, Oakley and in Port Arthur with Mel's Mother, Mrs, P. A. Nicol, ; Miss Ann Onufreychuk of Thorold South, Ontario visited with Stella Brown for a few days last week, and Stella's brother, Dan Bezenar of Edmonton arrived on Monday for a visit with Stella and Ann Bezenar, Mrs, Betty Anderson entertained in honour of her son Kenny's fifth birthday last Thursday afternoon. Thirteen wee guests were present and enjoyed an after- noon of treats and games, rounded off with a birthday luncheon, Mr, and Mrs. J, Pattison of Winnipeg are presently visiting their son, Allan Pattison and their daughter-in-law, Ivy Pattison, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Orchard left on Sunday for their home in Billings, Montana, They had been visiting with Mrs. Orchard!s son, Bob Shirriff, for the previous two weeks, The Shirriffs accompanied them as far as Grand Marais on Sunday. 0-0-0 FOR SALE Underwood Typewriter in good con~ dition. Very reasonable. Phone 305, 0-0-0