POLIO VACCINE - Dr. M. McCauslend Medical Officer of Health announced that the polio vaccine will be given to children of both schools on April 7th and 8th (in the first and second grades only) On April 14th and 15th the second injection of the vaccine will be given and the third injection on May 12th and 13th. Parents are reminded that this polio vaccine cannot be given until the Parent Request Forms are completed by the parent and returned to the school, 0-0-0 CAFETERIA HOURS EFFECTIVE MARCH 9TH, 1955 Breakfast - 7:00 a.m to 8:15 a.m, Lunch - 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m, Supper - 5:00 pem to 6:00 pem Midnight Lunch = 11:00 p.m, to 12:15 a.m, 0-0-0 SAFETY STEEPLECHASE Standings to Midnight, March 6th: Unit Points Engineering L440 Wood Handling 3810 Townsite 2710 Services 2380 Tech, and Admin, Office 20L0 : Pulp Dept. 875 Every unit moved ahead except Pulp Department. They were penalized 15 x the number of people in the unit (125), That involved 1875 points, The reason? One simple unreported accidentJ Next to a lost time accident there is no way a unit can drop points faster than by an unreported accident, no matter how slight. 0-0-0 LAST WEEK'S SAFETY SLOGAN Winners of silver dollars were: L. Boudreau, W. Herron, R. Faust, R. Payette, G. Pinkerton, Mrs, F. Gould, W. Smith, Mrs, D, C. Porter, Mrs. J. Papousek, V. Hopper. Those who missed: P, Stuart, Mre, D, Laporte, Cecile Boudreau and M. Dorman, The slogan: "Safety is Never Outdated", 0-0-0 Page 7 RECREATION FLYER NOTICE: Re Lost and Found Articles All unclaimed lost and found articles are going to be handed out to some group to be fixed up and given to the needy in town, Saturday is your last chance to claim anything your child may have Lost, Hoe Down News All those Hoe Downers and those interested in an evening of fun, be sure to attend the big floor show and dance this Saturday, March 12th at the Aud- itorium from 9:00 to 11:30, There is an outside group touring our district and they will only be here once, Come out and get in the fun. Tickets will be sold at the door, Community Programmes Branch Art Course Again I wish to remind all those people interested in attending such a course please notify the Recreation Centre, You do not need to be an expert or even a fair one in Art. If you have some interest come on and phone in your name, -- Kiwanis Carnival, Narch 19th The children in your town are preparing for a figure skating show and are having a few extra practices to polish up their routine. Also on this day costume contests and childrens races are open to all, Finishing off this big day there will be a Bantam hockey game. There will be an admission of 25 cents for the adults attending this show. Encour- age the kids with your applause so don't forget March 19th, Basketball News Now that the Hockey season is nearing completion, we would like to get the local "B" ball stars out for a few workouts, Our primary purpose is to get enough experienced players to comprise a team capable of giving the local high school teams some competition in a few exhibition games, This plea for players (Cont. on page 8)