LADIES CURLING CLUB NEWS _ Cie. The Perrace race Bay Ladies Curling Club are holding their First Annual Bonspiel February 25th, 26th and "27th. Sixteen entries have been received. Outside participants are from Schreiber, Marathon, _ Nipigon, Red Rock and Fort William, The first games are scheduled for Friday at 7:00 p.m. Spectators are welcome, j Wellings Unbeaten The Ter ace Bay rink skipped by Peg Wellings' ran up threé consecutive victories in the double round robin competition in the Schreiber zone play- downs over the weekend,. _ Mrs. Parry's Marathon rink came through the weekend with one victory and two defeats while Mrs. Thrower's Schreiber foursome had no victoriés. The Marathon rink started off the day with a 13-4 victory over the Schreiber quartet. Terrace Bay downed Marathon 21-6 in the sécond game and went on to defeat Schreiber 21-5, Sunday morning found Peg Wellings' 'ririkk and Mrs. Parry's Marathon- ians battling it out. Solid curling by the Terrace Bay rink brougit the game to a decisive 13-6 victory, Completing the winning rink are Ida Romaniuk' ~ second, Nat Coates lead and Ann Latour third e Score by ends: Wellings . Parry. 'fee 012 + 13 002 100 - 6 2 Ot let 00 3. 000 Bonspiel Banquet The Ladies Curling Banquet will be held at 6:45 p.m. Saturday, February 26th. at the Hotel Terrace, All lady curlers who are not curling in the Bonspiel and wish to go must give their names and money to: 'Ida Romaniuk at the L.& L. - B. Jessop at Jessop!s Snack Bar by Thursday evening at 5:00 p.m. Price $1.65. Any members' who will billet curlers overnight please contact M, Hale or A. Sinkins as soon as possible. 0-0-0 > 1 ek < Page 5 FIRST TERRACE BAY BROWNIE NEWS On Tuesday, February 22nd, the Firs Terrace Bay Brownie Pack held a special Thinking Day programme, This is the day each year we celebrate the joint birthdays of the Founder of the Guide Movement, Lord Baden Powell and Lady Baden Powell, World Chief Guide, This is the day, Guides throughout tne whole world give special emphasis to Inter- national Friendship. The programme was an impressive candlelight ceremony. Each girl lit a candle for the country she represented | and placed it and her shiny pennies~ around the Toadstool. Then followed the Brownie..Promise, Peggy Shirriff, Faye Thorsteinson, Gail Wood and Sharlene Pineault were presented witi their Golden Bar, thus joining the ranks along with Laurie Mae Marcella, Linda.MacFadyen, Dawn Rowlandson, Mary Ellen Reynolds, Ruth Thorsteinson and Bonnie Jean Wilson. A Prayer for Thinking Day This day we have set apart to think of our sister Brownies in other lands, beyond racial frontiers, beyond lands and seas. Grant that the uniform we wear may never be put on simply from force of habit or from convenience, let it be a perpetual reminder to us of whom we are, and what we are striving to be. 0-0-0 LOCAL ASSOCIATION FOR GUIDES AND BROWNIES The Local Association will hold their Annual meeting on Monday, February . 26th at 8:30 pem. in the Recreation Committee Rooms, _ There will be an election of officers and a report on the year's work, It is a public meeting and every- one is welcome especially the mothers of the Guides and Brownies, . 0-0-0 LOST One pair of overshoes with broyn lining. Lost last Thursday at the High School Auditorium, Finder please return to L. Marsh at the Imperial Bank or © House 186 Laurier Avenue. o-0-0