TERRACE BAY MEMORIAL RECREATION CENTRE WEEKLY SCHEDULE Week of Feb, llth MORNING AFTERNOON EVENING ees ecemracren cane apa a ane NE LS SS Fri. Feb, ith 10-12 High School 1:0063:00 High School 8-10:30 High School Jamboree Jamboree - Jamboree 4-6 Minor Hockey Sat. Feb, 12th 9-12 Minor Hockey 1:30-3 Jr. Skating 8:00 TERRACE VS. 3-5 Sr. Skating GERALDTON Sun. Feb, 13th 2:30 NIPIGON VS. TEXRACE BAY Mon. Feb. 14th Shaving Ice 1:30-3 Public Skat, 7-8 Jr. Skating 4-6 Minor Hockey 8-9 Sr. Skating 9:30-10:30 House League Tues, Feb,15th Painting Ice 3:30-5:30 Figure 8:00 TERRACE BAY VS. Skating SCHREIBER 5:30-6:30 Rink Rats Wed, Feb. 16th 1:30-3 Public Skat. 6:30-7:00 Public Skat, 4-6 Minor Hockey 7:30-11:00 House League Thursa. Feb. 17th .10-11 House League... 1:30-3:00 Public Skat, .7-8 Minor. League 3: 30- "38 0 Figure Skat. 8: 30-10: 00 Sr. ' : Practice 53 30-6: 30 Rink Rats * Oe as 6-0-0 LAFF ie 'LITTLE F Three slightly deaf old maids were motoring to 'London in an old noisy car, and -- was eet As they neared the city one asked, "Is This Meee oem NG, NH .-neplied- the- second ;~ "this -2s~ -Thursday el --- ewan ~ mee mnnamen~ aioe onan "SQ. am i," put in a third, "Let's stop and have one," o-0~0 a --The--owner-of- a smail-cabaret~had-ordered a-sign reacing: "Gentlemen" -for -- <=. --»- ae oa tabldnunents Thinking to dress it up a bit, the painter added the. French Messiourg," the Spanish "Senores," the Italian, "Signari," From an old plate he also copied some Chinese characters, ' A few weeks later a Chinese Sachin was convulsed ee ee upon aearhs the-signy-When- translated, -it-read: "Chinese Relief," ~~ tevin meer 0-0-0