in the Figure Skating Cb, Skating sessions are held ¢ Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Each member receives one group lesson per week, on either Tuesday or Thursday, at the cost of 50¢ per lesson. Lesson tickets must be > purchased one month in advance. In other words, next week, 4 lesson tickets will be sold to each member of the Club covering the month of February at the cost of $2,00, One ticket is given to the professional, Ivy Pattison, at the time of the lesson, SOQ REMEMBER-~~--You must purchase your lesson tickets next week for the month of February. We would request at this time that all parents and skaters please refrain from phoning the professional at her home, If you have any questions, 'bring them to the rink with you, and either Mrs, Pattison or one of the members of the executive will be glad to answer them for you. A schedule, indicating the time of each group lesson, with the names of the skaters in the group, has been drawn up and distributed at the rink. If you do not have your schedule, please pick one. up at the rink at any of the skating sessions. We have planned each child's lesson as much as possible, so that it will not interfere with other activities such as Brownies and Guides and it is imperative that all children be at the rink ready for their lesson at the time designated. We now have a very active figure skating club that is making excellent' progress, and the cooperation of parents and skaters is requested, o-O~o Page 5 $ MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS FOR "STARS ON ICE" APPEARING AT THE LAKEHEAD, FEB, 4TH - 5TH. For the benefit of the many residents of Terrace Bay who plan.on going to Port Arthur to see the new "Stars On Ice" Figure Skating Show, produced by the Port. Arthur Thunder Bay, Figure: Skating Club, who appeared in Terrace. Bay: in° 'December, you can make your reservations with Betty Austin, who will 'secure tickets for you. This extravaganza will, appéar at the Port Arthur Arena, on Friday, February 4th, and Saturday, February 5th... The price of tickets - Adults $1.00, Students «75 and Children 50¢. If you plan on going to the Lakehead on these dates, and would like tickets for this fine "NEW" ice review, phone Betty at 216 at the mill or 210 at Hotel Terrace,, 0-0-0 DO YOU KNOW HOW TO SKATE? : Most skaters attending the Figure Skating classes at the Recreation centre will answer to the above question in the affirmative -- however there is a great deal more to skating correctly than most of you skaters realize, How many skaters actually know how to stroke? Parents and friends are impressed by the jumps, spins and spirals that you skaters perform, but the pumping' and pushing with your bodies bent forward from the waist, spoils the general. appearance of the skater, Figure Skating is an art and to do the jumpg, spins and spirals correctly a skater. must have perfect balance and be able to glide across the ice with,smoothness, the body. held erect over the skate at all' times, For all skaters I would suggest at least ten minutes of every skating session be spent in the practice of correct stroking, The stroke shougd be started by a push from the side of the blade and at the same time, the skating knee should be bent deeply -- but let the- bending - and the straightening of the skating knee be a soft movement and not a jerky one. Remember the body should be held erectly over the skate-+---Do not bend forward from the waist. As the stroke starts, you 'should feel almost as if you are pushing your hips ahead of you, As the skating foot takes the stroke, the free leg should be extended firmly backward with just a soft bend at the knee, (Cont. on page 7)