Volume 5, No. 3 RD CONCERT IN TERRACE BAY ON JANUARY 26TH Terrace Bay is presenting their 3rd concert sponsored by the Dept. of Education on Wednesday, January 26th at 8:15 in the High school auditorium, "The Willy Blok Hanson Dance Trio" with Miss Margaret Clemens as pianist. Willy Blok Hanson is a master of her craft. She also has the added power of imparting her mastery to others...tangible evidence of sound training...unaffectedness of interpretation, Brian McCool, assistant director of the music branch of the Department of Educ- ation, became interested in the Willy Blok Hanson dancers and ideas when the group made two unusually successful appearances at the Prom Concerts, Since then, they have been seen many times on Tclevision, notably on Scope, two weeks ago. The Blok Hanson dancers are due for another appearance on Scope on January 23-- which complicates the beginning of their Northern tour. It means that Mrs, Blok Hanson, her sister, Charlotte de Neve and Garbut Roberts must make some very close connections. They leave Toronto by plane at 2:30 a.m. after the Scope presentation, flying to Winnipeg, then take a train to Kenora, where they open their tour the following day. They are to be in Dryden on January 25th, Terrace Bay' on January 26th and Marathon January 27th, They return to Toronto next, then start off on the next lap of the tour, which takes in North Bay and Sudbury ° It would be advisable for those holding season tickets to be in their places early, as a rush for single tickets is expected, Season tickets for the coming season, (Cont. on next col.) LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY January 20, 1955. RD CONCERT IN TERRACE BAY (Cont.) 1955-56, will go on advance sale at the rear of the Auditorium before the programme commences, and during intermission, both at this concert and at the final concert on February 23rd. If those who are inter- ested would please purchase their season tickets then, it would facilitate the work of the committee a great deal and would reduce the amount of canvassing necessary. We have failed to reach our financial objective this year. We need the extra encouragement that a good advance sale would give to show us that our people appreciate and desire such music and entertainment as these concerts provide. We would suggest you get your baby sitters early as this promises to be the concert of the season, Concert Committee, 0-0-0 FORT SOT ELLIS CANADIANS HERE THIS WEEK-END ~ There's a b-. g hockey 'ey week~end coming up starting ceetene January 20th, in Marathon when Terrace Bay Superiors take on Marathon Mercuries again. Friday night in our local ice palace minor hockey takes over with Marathon teams in town to play local teams, The bantams are scheduled for a 7:15 game and the juveniles at 8:30 p.m. Over the week-end, Fort William "Canadians" will be here for two Exhib- ition Games with our "Superiors" which should be real crowd pleasers. The first game on Saturday night is slated to start at 8:00 p.m. The Sunday afternoon game will get underway at 1:30 p.m. o-0.-0