fer CANADA SsVINGS BONDS TEAS Arrangements will bé made in the near future whereby LongLac employees may purchase Canada Savings Bonds on a payroll savings plan. These 9th series bonds will bear interest at 3 1/4 per cent and may be purchased in denominations of $50.00 up to $5000.00. Bonds will go on sale on or about October 18th, Prior to that date we plan to have canvassers available in each department in the company who will approach you in connection with the purchase of these bonds, So take some time to think of your bond purchases this year and be prepared to sign up when the cane. vasser approaches you. _>--, : 7 "Watch for more news in the "NEWS" on 1954 Savings Bond Campaign, 0-0-0 AN INVITATION Every day is open house at the Fire Hall. Come and see the fire equipment that is one the fire truck : for your protection. mioktin Fires and Mirrors Shaving mirrors, tacked. to - trees by summer cottagers and woods travellers, have resulted in ferest . fires. Pieces of broken bottles lying . in the forest have also been respone sible for fires. It all shows that one cannot be too careful of fire in- the woods, 0-0-0 | SCHOOL FIRE DRILL Surprise fire drills were held . at the three schoold on October 5th, The pupils of the Public School evacu~ ated the school in forty seconds, the High School in forty-five seconds and thé Separate School in 40 seconds, Ladies of the Home and School Associate ion acted as judges at these fire drills, The time for the complete evacuation of the schools is very good. As the pupils came out into the yards the teacher stood at the head of their classes and' counted the pupils to make sure that none were missing, The fire chief, George Maitland, was very pleased with the surprise fire drills and said that the behaviour of the children spoke very well for the Principals and teachers, 0-0=0 Page 5.' SHOE REPAIR SHOP . Las The Shoe Repair Shop will be Clesed from October 7th to October llth, The business hours will be frem 5:15 to 7:00 p.m, starting October 12th to October 20th, : 0-0-0 BOY SCOUT APPLE DAY . . Boy Scout Apple Day will be held Saturday, October 9th, ' All Cubs will meet at garage 12 behind house 190 Laurier Avenue at 9:00 am, and will be calling at every house in town, Prizes will be given for the best decorated baskets, This is one of the few opportunities the Gubs have of getting out and actually earning funds themselves, Will you please help them make Apple Day a success? 0-0-0 BABY: SITTER Baby Sitter available for evenings. Gall 529 or House Ne, 22, 00-0 QEESS NEWS . Anyone interested in forming a chess Glub in Terrace Bay is asked to contact Don Whitley or Malcolm Craig, if enough interest is shown a meeting will be held within a few days, ae 0-0-0 FOR SALE » . 1953 Ghevrolet four door car, very low mileage, and in top condition, Selling for cash, or trade in for used 1/° ton truck, Anyone interested please con- tact time card #96 or Marion.Tychoniak at 18 Walkers Lake Road in Schreiber, o-0-0 FOR SALE Household Furnishings: 9 pce mahogany dining room suite, mahogany desk, one pair living room lamps, chesterfield suite, 5 pee, kitchen set, living room rug and cushion 9 x 12, walnut, 4 drawer wardrobe, Gun type oil burner, 15' plywood boat and 5 H.P. motor, 1 1/2 H,P. Motor, 100! garden hose and sprinkler, Apply house 401 or phone 358, 0-0-0