Dish wlcoiNT OF EDUCATION CONCERTS Two years ago, you will remember, we ere fortunate enough to secure two rather excellent concerts from the Dept, of Education, Because we were interested in the return of these concerts the fol- lowing year, a committee of our town- people was appointed and the town was canvassed for season tickets, The response was so good (282) that the Committee en- visioned packed halls for the four cone certs that would be given in 1953/5h. But - after such a response, and just when we had a proper auditorium for such concerts, we received word from the Dept. that a heavy deficit for the 1952-53 season in our particular loop of Kenora, Dryden, Atikokan, Terrace Bay and Marathon left the Department no alternative but to cancel all plans for our loop during the 1953/54 season, Accordingly, no Dept. of Education concerts were given in Terrace Bay last year. The Executive, however, has continued to be active, and we are now assured that the Department is again ready to finance concerts in this area if the towns of Kenora, Dryden, Terrace Bay and Marathon are still interested. The hig question is - Are the people of Terrace Bay still interested? We realize that pract~ ically all of our town organizations have now made plans for their winter activities and such a group of concerts might well conflict with these plans, But if these concerts are to be successful we need the support of all of our organizations, The proposed months and dates, approximately are: October 27th, November 24th, January 26th and February 23rd, Would all inter- ested persons please check these dates, and pass on any comments to one of the committee listed below, A definite answer must be made to the Department in the near future and your reactions will govern the wording of this answer, Committee Members: Mrs, I. Marsh, Chairman, Mr, Ted Young, Treasurer, Mr. D, Locking, Secretary, Mr. C, Buck, Mrs, M. Borsum, Mr, L. Crandlemere, Mrs, D, Dalzell, Mrs. I. Goodfellow, Mr. K. Hutchinson, Mrs, A. Zyri. 0-0-0 NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES For the past two years the Contine uation School Board has provided evening classes for those of our citizens who wished to further their education. It (Cont. on next col.) Page 8 NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES (Cont. ) is the Board's intention to again pro- vide such instruction provided that sufficient people are interested in attending such classes, To date, an English class has been held each year; last year an additional class was started for those interested in Mathematics, There may exist a demand for classes in other sub- jects. ; To determine if sufficient in- terest still exists in Engiish and in Mathematics to warrant the continuae tion of these classes or if necessary to organize an extra class, Friday, October 8th, has been set aside as a registration night. If you or any of your friends are interested in a third year of English, or of Mathematics, or of some other subject, would you please drop into the Continuation School that evening, between 7 and 9 and leave your name and the class you would be interested in attending. Then, once the Board has definite figures with which to work, a decision can be made, Past experience would indicate that a minimum enrolzent of fifteen people is required to warrant the expense of Night School class. Unless, therefore, fifteen people enroll for a class, the Board will not attempt to provide instruction in that subject. If, because of shift work, you will be unable to register on Friday, October 8th, would you please give your name and class to D, Locking sometime prior to that date, 0-0-0 ROOM AND BOARD Room and Board available for men. Apply House No, 2 Pine Crescent or Phone 301, 0-0-0 FOR SALE "Easy" Spin-dry washing machine, in good condition, Phone 364. o-0-0 STOP FIRES BEFORE THEY GET STARTE"