Lib bi.) TON WEEK (Conts) Terrace Bay Kiwanis Club - A Clean tidy neighbourhood is a better place to; dive ain, Jessop!s Tea Room - with gasoline, Bucovetsky's Stores Ltd, = You can't be too careful with fire. Post Office - That what burns never returns, Waghorn's Pharmacy - Every week should be fire prevention week, Terrace Bay Hospital - Remember you are not fireproof, Terrace Bay Cabinet Shop - Fire doesn't relax, Hudson's Bay Company - A good sign to read "No Smoking Here" Terrace Bay Barber Shop - Keep our forests green - Prevent Fires, Never clean clothes 0-0-0 MEN'S CHORUS The Terrace Bay Men's Chorus got off to a good start on their 1954-55 season with a business meeting and stag on September 22nd, and the first _ rehearsal on Monday, September 27th. Bert Lohr is conductor this year, with Mrs, Stan Hodgkiss as accompanist. Ten pros- pective new members at Monday's rehearsal promise added strength this year in the tenor and bass sections. Regular rehearsals will continue to be held in the High School through the month of October at 6:30 each Monday evening. All men interested in singing are welcome, . Incidentally, this invitation extends to "young men", 16 years or over, 0-0-0 BOY SCOUTS On Saturday, September 18th a very successful Scout Camporee was held on the flats near the mouth of the river. Boys from Marathon, Schreiber, Geraldton and Terrace Bay attended, A Schreiber Patrol won the award as the best campers present and despite the many showers a good' time was had by ali campers, Many thanks to Camp Chief Horace Franks of Geraldton who acted as Camp Chief; Bill Borsum, our cook and all members of the Group committee for their efforts to make the camp a success, 0-0-0 Page 7 JESSOP'S NEW LOCATION. | We wish to announce we will be moving from our present business: loc- ation to the building formerly occupied by the Meat Market, We will be closed all day Saturday and Sunday, October 2nd and 3rd and shall open on Monday, October 4th under the name of "JESSOP'S GRILL", Upon opening of our new premises we will have many items of new and modern equipment, so that we my better serve our clientel, We would like also at this time to thank our many good customers of Terrace Bay and Schreiber for their patronage in the past and now we extend a sincere welcome for your continued patronage in our new location. "JESSOP'S GRILL" 0-0-0 SHOE REPAIR SHOP The Shoe Repair Shop hours will be from 5:15 to 7:00 p.m. starting October 2nd to October 20th. 0-0-0 HELP WANTED -- MALE Caretakers for the Recreation Centre. Must be familiar with all janitorial dutics and should be handy with tcols to do minor repairs, An aptitude and willingness to work on park areas and outdoor recrea- tional facilities will be an asset, as these positions offer year-round employment. Apply in writing to Mr. W. F. Strutt, Recreation Committee, Terrace Bay. 0-0-0 HELP WANTED - MALE Ice Maker - Attendant, for Arena and Curling Rink. Must be familiar with refrigeration compressors and allied equip- ment and have had experience in ice-makir ¢ duties, Single man preferred, Knowledg. of parks and outdoor recreational faciliti > will be an asset as this position offers year-round employment. . Apply in writing to Mr. W. F. Strutt, Recreation Committ.c, Terrace Bay. o-0-o AUDITORIUM RESERVATIONS All requests for use of the High School Auditorium should be directed to Jim Fraser at the Recreation Office Phone 542, 0-0-0