(I Go) #BRS_CORNER From all reports, everybody who made.the Marathon trip last Saturday had a good time. And although Terrace Bay came out second best again, the score was a lot closer than during the . first tournament, The architect who is goingto select & site and draw plans for a local golf course should be here any day now, © The Golfers Club's first dance is scheduled for November 26th, -It is now definite that the door prize will be a 5-day trip by air to New York for two, good anytime, Included will be hotel, sig'tseeing tours, tickets to T.V. or . radio broadcasts, dinner and dancing at a famous nightclub (like the Latin Quarter or Capacabana) and tickets to a broadway show. Aud there'll probably be other features, Syverybody will be welcome, Tickets will be 1.00 per person. Ticket sale limited. o-0-0 GADTES CURLING The Terrace Bay Ladies Curling Club will hold their Semi-Annual meeting, wednesday, October 20th. All Curlers Welcome! The time and place to be announced at a later date. _ 0-0-0 One bassinet with stand. One Collapsible wooden oblong. play pen with floor, One Baby carriage - Blue. For information telephone 360, 0-0-0 TERRACE BAY LAUNDRY The North Camp Laundry depot will be closed from September 28th to October Sth, Soiled clothing may be left at the Hotel Laundry. ay ena 0-0-0 Expert Drivers Agree That Safe Driving Requires: HANDS e% 0-0» On the Wheel pa TEGO A sig wie ON the Road ees MN es ae On the Job Page 5 HOME AND SCHOOL _ ASSOC TON "The first meeting of the season was held in the Public School: Monday evening when the Home and School got off to a wonderful start with well over a hundred persons in attendance. John Wade, the new president opened the meeting with "O Canada", Mrs, Frank Ginn read tl.c minutes of the May meeting, and Jim Corrig:: presented the Treasurer's report.. Mr. Wade announced that Lrs, Porter would take over four of the meetings at which he would be absent, with another Vice-President taking over the Fifth meeting. Mrs, Ray Kenney has agreed to become Social convenor, and on a motion by Mrs, Verne Hopper, it was agreed to pir chase fifty cups, saucers and teaspoons also several large pitchers for the + Aseecisapion.---b »forrigan volunteered to build a suitable box to carry these supplies from school to school. . Mrs... Charlie Briggs has been appointed the new Programme Convenor and arranged for the October meeting to be a citizenship meeting, with two new citizens of Canada speaking. | Teachers of the threg schools were introduced by Principals Locking, Kenney and Briggs with a short history of their home town and past expericnce,. Mr. Ed Cavanaugh, on behalf of the School Board, thanked the outgoing executive for the succe sful year just past and welcomed the new executive, also the new teachers just arriving, as well as those who came back to us for another year..." Following the adjournment of the business, Miss Pat Dooling of the Separate School staff spoke on Home and School membership, the' meaning of belonging to this organization, and the qualities that go to make a good member. Miss Lois Windle of the Public Schcol staff, who spent the past year as an exchange teacher in Nanaimo, British Columbia, gave a very interesting talk on her trip to British Columbia, the stHool and similar teaching conditions in Nanaimo, her Christmas trip to San Francisco, Califormia, Easter trip to Seattle, and finally her return hom? way of the Calgary stampede. "This ww: followed by a movie taken over the wytii year, with commentary by Miss Wincl: Tea and luncheon were served ie the executive while the parents were able to visit socially with the principals and teachers, O-0--0