ladies ; «Nyy ae coh RECIPE OF THE WEEK CREAMED SHRIMP cup canned shrimp (1/2 1b, can) tablespoons butter or margarine /k teaspoon crumbled basil cup boiling water cups evaporated milk egg, 1/2 teaspoon salt, tablespeons.lemon juice if2 cup buttered crumbs Drain and rinse shrimp in cold Remove vein if necessary, . Make a sauce by melting butter over medium heat, blending in flour and seasonings and slowly stirring in the boiling water, Cook, stirring constantly until thickened, Add milk, shrimp, egg, lemon juice. Transfer to greased individual casseroles or shells, Sprinkle with buttered crumbs. Heat in moderate. oven until bubbly --- about 15 minutes, Serve very hat with brewned alt Ea 2 tablespoons flour, few grains pepper if 1 water, rice, @-0-0 HOUSEHOLD HINTS Oil of camphor, briskly rubbed in with a dry cloth, will remove white rings from furniture, Then polish with wax or regular furn- iture polish, The thermos cork will grip firmly if the bottom is covered with one of those small paper cups used for cup cakes, 0-0-0 "column . Page «+ AROUND THE TOWN Mrs. Alex Sinkins wishes to thank all those who expressed their sympathy over the passing of her step-father, Mr, Alex Robb of Toronto, on September 14th. - Mr, and Mrs. Sinkins their son of McKenzie Isiend, motored to Toronto to attend the funeral last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sinxins Jr. with Donald and Tommy had been visiting for a week and will remain until: the first of Gutober:.. Mrs, Sinkin's sister and family, Mr, and Mrs. H. Graham and Aiberta returned with ther. from Toronto and will remain here for a week, Mary Weddel returned 40 ae job on the nursing staff cf the hospital on September 8th, after five weeks spent visiting with her Mother, Lrs- Levi Weddel of Sharon, Ontardo. Mrs, H. C. Laundy returned none on the 13th following an re visit in Toronto with her daugn Margaret, son and daughter Coa Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Laundy, and 20 enrol her daughter Heicn in Bbrenksome Hall, for the coming term. sdefore returning home Mrs, Laundy élsoo visited with her sisters and famiiiies, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson of Ottawa, and Mr, and Mrs. Ford of Montreal, Mr. and Mrs, :T, for their hom> in Wi ° Wednesday after a week's visit. w: theiz caughter and son-in-law, Phyl anc Urnie Woods and family, Louise Farrow spent the past weekend visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ab Farrow, togetner with BisG were STORK CLUB NEWS Congratulations.ihis week go to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Aon the birth of a son on Septechcr 19th, Q-QH0 THE MAN WHO DOES HIS WORK WELL...-- Cy AG aN el aed DOS e TD So ye