THE GOLFERS CORNER Four weeks to the day from the date it was organized, the 275 member Terrace Bay Golfers Club engaged an architect. He | is expected to be here in about 10 days to select a site, draw plans and prepare est- imates for a 9-hole golf course. That's one side of the story. . The Golfers Club now has a sizeable financial undertaking on its hands, The architect's fees will be $3000. When pre~ liminary plans are completed this fall ' 2000, will have to be paid. To pay this bill money will be used from the membership fees, the Recreation Committee has approved a loan of $300, and negotiations have been mace whereby $1500, may be borrowed by the Club by having 15 Club members act as guare antors, each for $100, As of now we have eleven such people, Four more are needed, Anyone who would like to sign the note should contact a member of the Golfers Club, Next move is to raise money to pay off the money on loan, The first project will be a dance on November 26th in the High School Auditorium, It is rumoured that the door prize will be a 5--Day Trip By Air to New York for 2 good anytime including hotel room and sightseeing trips, dinner and dancing at a famous nightclub, tickets to a Broadway Show, T.V. or Radio broadcast tickets and other features, The rumour will be spiked cr confirmed in next week's News. Tickets for the dance will be-$1,00 each, Ticket sale will be limited, A Golf Course fund is also being set uo to receive donations to the project, all of which will be spent 100% on develop- ment of a golf course, THE TOURNAMENT AT MARATHON is scheduled ~ for Saturday, September 18th, Everyone going should be sure that Al Pattison has his or her name (Thursday evening if at all possible), The tournament proper will get underway at 1:00 p.m. for either 9 or 18 holes. Some are going down in the morning for games at 10:00 a.m. Any golfer good, (Cont. on next col,) Page 6 THE GOLFERS CORNER (Cont.) bad or in between is invited. There is transportation for anyone who would like to go and as yet has not a ride, We're the hosts this time, Let's have a good turnout, show Marathon a good time and enjoy curselves too, 0-0-0. BADMINTON CLUB At the General Meeting of the Badminton Club held Wednesday night the following officers were elected: Past President - © - Olive Harrison President - Laurie Marsh Vice-President - Gordon Paget Secretary-Treasurer = Mabel Clayson Executive Cammittee - Esther Keller Clare Simms Badminton will start on Wednesday night September 22nd at 7:00 p,m, Membership Fees for the season are set at $3.00 for single membership and $4.50 for married couples, Get your membership from any member of the Executive - fees must be paid by October 15th, 1954, 0-0-0 BOWLING ASSOCIATION GENERAL MEETING There will be a general meeting of the Terrace Bay Bowling Association Time : 8:A0 p.m, Date 3: September 29th, 1954, Place '$ To Be Announced Agendas Two main items on agenda 1 = Ammendments to constitution 2 - Team Entries (No more than 16 teams per leam: can be accepted, ) 0-0-0 RECREATION OFFICE The office is now located in the new Centre and the phone number is e Office hours are from 9-12 and daily, Monday thru Friday and from 9~12 noon on Saturdays, 0-0-0 BE AVERT viswisnes SO YOU WON'T GET HURT...,