Jadies. RECIPE OF THE WEEK BUTTERSCOTCH ROLIS 1/2 cup soft butter i cup brown sugar 2 cups sifted flour ; 3 _ teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons shortening 3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons milk Grease 12 muffin. pans, Combine soft butter and brown sugar, -- creaming together well until mixture is smooth and fluffy. Place 1 tablespoon of mixture in bottom of each muffin pan. Cont. on Page 5 0-0-6 STORK CLUB NEWS: Congratulations this week go to Mr, and Mirs, Philip Stuart on the birth of twin daughters on September llth, and Mr, and Mrs, John Graham on the birth of a daughter on September 13th, and Mr, and Mrs, Willard Vezina on the birth of a son on September 13th, 0-0-0 AROUND THE TOWN Sympathy is expressed to Verne Hopper who lost his Father, Robert Hopper in St, Thomas, Ontario on August 24th. Lois and Verne, with Mary Jane returned home on August 30th, Lois! sister and family, Mr, and Mrs.'John Stuart with John. and Sue arrived on the 3lst for a week ls visit. Charmaine Dodge spent the past ae visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Dodge before leaving on Sunday tor Toronto to complete her course in. |. Lab Technology at Ryerson College, Jane and Lynn Porter left Tuesday (Cont. on next col.) column: Page 4 AROUND THE TOWN (Cont, ) for Beaver Dam, Wisconsin to attend : Wayland Academy for the coming term, Mors. Elaine.Rowlandson, Worthy Matron of the Silver Birch Chapter, was the delegate to attend the Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star in London, Ontario on the 8th, 9th and 10th of September, Mr.: and Mrs,. Fred Shwetz with Suellen and Joyce were visitors at the John Delaronde!s over the Labor Day weekend, Ed Zielke returned Tuesday from a weeks holidays which were spent in Winnipeg where *he wer the gucst of his brother. 0-0-0 BROWNIE NOTICE . Brownies please remember to bring a, sock with a hole in it, a darning needle and some wool to the next meeting. There is room for a few more recruits among the girls reaching their eighth birthday or over, Those interested, plece: phone Mrs, Shirley Mikus or Miss Martha Meek. - o+0-0 NOTICE Couple leaving Septonber 28th for Kapuskasing. Anyone wishing to go please phone 493 or callat house No, 423. Coming back October lst, o-0-0 LOST ee etn Between Terrace Bay and Schreiber one chrome cover for wheel of 1953 Pontiac. Finder please:return +o L. Boudreau, House #173 or punch card #151. Thanks, 0-0-0 ROOM AND BOARD ~- Room and board: for:two men 'apoly time card 619 or phone 251. o-0-0 FOUND ~~ Carpenters tools found at mouth of river, Owner contact Bob Hales, C.P.R, station and may have same upon identific- .ation of tools, 0-0-0