PUBLIC SCHOOL (Cont, ) is our kindergarten teacher, taught last year in the Stamford area near Niagara Falls, She comes highly qualified and well recommended, MissClayson's home is in -- Toronto. Grades three and four will have a new teacher this year. Miss Lorraine Morrow who lives in Port Arthur, will join our staff, and be in charge of these grades, Miss Morrow has been attending Summer School at Port Arthur this summer, and should have some very new and useful ideas to offer. Members of the staff from last year, who will be back for another taste of our northern winter, include Miss Viola Mattson, Miss Pauline Dowling, Miss Dorothy White, and the princiapl, Mr. Briggs. We also have the pleasure of welcoming Miss Lois Windle, who has laboured at Nanaimo, B,.., for the past year. During the school term we hope to learn a great deal about the educational system in the West. Already, Mr. Dick Downey, who came on the staff from B.O0, last year, has won many converts to some points in the western curriculum, We would like to mention that all kindergarten children should come the first moming. After that, they will come only in the morning or afternoon, as out- linedin the classes below. If there are any children in the town who are not re- gistered, would one of the parents please come with them to the Tuesday morning registration, and bring some proof of age such as a Birth, Baptism, or Cradle Rollcertificate., Any child who is five year old by December 31st, 1954, is ~~ eligible for kindergarten, Kindergarten pupils will be grouped in the following manner, as much as is possible - all those whose birthdays fall in the first six months of the year will come in the afternoon class, The remainder will start in the morning. On the first of February next, this procedure will be reversed and the classes will switch to the opposite half of the day. MORNING CLASS Linda Hales James Mikus William Byers Patricia Ann Simmer sharon Allen Raymond Olsen Carol Ann Kulcheski Patricia Dodge Meredith Coe Patricia McCausland Dianna Goneau William Goneau Margot Jane Anderson Alice Jean McKechnie Richard Murray Dorman Shirley Philips Robin Briggs (Cont. on next col.) PUBLIC SCHOOL (Cont. ) Page 5 AFTERNOON CLASS Georgina Turner Karin Lundberg Rebert Benko Michael Brend Elizabeth Hayes Michael Brady Linda Hall William Shirriff Lana Jean Storvold Joanne Brown Garry Brooks Virginia Dalzell Robert Mallais Jane Rebecca West Nancy Noreen Heron 0-0-0 LADIES CURLING CLUB An executive meeting was held at the home of Mrs, E. Ostling on August 27, 1954. After some discussion a committee was appointed to draw up a constitution for the Ladies Curling Club to be approved at a general meeting to be held in the very near future. All ladies who areplanning to curl this fall should watch for the date of this general meeting, 0-0-0 CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE What's this I hear about an Automtic Clothes Dryer to be raffled off at the C.W.L. fall bazaar? This is the change of a lifetime for many folks so get your ticket now from one of the following; Waghom's Drugstore C, Henderson at the Post Office Or any executive member of the C,W.L,. 0-0-0 THE SCOUT CORNER The first Silver Arrowhead course conducted in this part of the district came to a successful conclusion on Tuesday afternoon. There were many favourable comments made on the excellent camping conditions to be found at the Terrece Bay Scout Camp by Scouts coming from all over the north- western part of the province. If Boy Scout leadership has been strengthened in this district as a result of this campy no small share of credit must go to that loyal band of Terrace Bay men who spent so many hours of hard labour clearing our campsite and erecting the camp building. During the week's camp, the boys erect. d patrol camp gites, fashioned camp gadgets, cooked their own meals and acquired many : (Cont. on Page 7)