TEEN-AGE ACTIVITY Let's have ALL teen-agers between 14 and 20 out to the second last dance of Teen Town, The place is the Hi-School Auditorium, The date is Friday, August 20th, the time from 9 to 1. . Lunch of do-. nuts and.pop will be sold, novelty dances will be held and prizes given. See you there] ° And don't forget the Grand Wind-Up the following week, Here's a tip to you girls - rumour has it that this dance is to be semi-formal, so get. your party dresses ready. 0-0-0 NOTICE: To all members of the Port Arthur Horticultural Society Mr. Parish will be in Terrace Bay on Saturday morning to look over your gardens and a meeting of all interested will be held in the Activity Room of the Continuation School (reserved by Mr. H,. C. Laundy) Saturday evening at 7:30 pem. He will give information regarding the formation of the Society also answer any guestions on your troubles in gardening or able to tell you where to secure the information. This meeting is open to all residents of Terrace Bay. 0-0-0 i Page 3 HOTEL TERRACE ies' re The Hotel Dining Room will be open 'on Saturday, August 21, 1954 for the following time only at the evening meal 5:30 to 6:00 p.m. | 0-0-0 FOR SALE 1950 Motorcycle in good condition. Can be financed - also =~ 14 foot runabout. Contact L. Marsh at House 186, Phone 243, or the Imperial Bank, 0-0-0 GROUP INSURANCE Are your group insurance policies in order? Some people require to make changes in their beneficiary or settlement prov visions in their policies but in most cases forget to do so. How about reviewing your group in- surance policies and if a change in the beneficiary provisions is required ---- do it NOW3}! Just. bring your policies into the Personnel Office and the changes will be -processed, o-0---0 PLAYGROUND CHATTER On August 18th seventy children made the field trip to Rossport to observe certain stages of the commercial fishing business. The Recreation Comnittee would like to take this opportunity to thank Wm, Legault and staff for his assistance and boat. also LongLac Pulp and Paper Co. for the bus and the following for the use of their cars, Mrs, J. Knight, A. MacDonald, T, Smith, H, Coe, Ted Young, R, Faust, W. Borsum, E, Niemi and D. Boudreau, Due to transportation difficulties which we have been unable to overcome, the proposed field trip to the Dorion Fish Hatchery scheduled for August 25th has been cancelled, 0-0-0 KEEP ISLES CLEAR....