Folume hk, Noe 32 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY ye 2US 506 Ys * stop at the new is nearing comp tertained at Pulp and Pape: gr rth of the since the eeerey Visit then introduced aon President in Charge the Wimberly-Clark greetings from Mr, tion Coes whh * eng wno ree . an of ry + a . giretted that he was t Q to be present. at the primary 4 Terrace 5 advantage of manuf Bay was that of Dn iss can be produced than Spruce and Jackpine, there are distinct ee as compared. with manufactur ean, LI TERR, ACE | Bay (Cont. guieck gr wing the Southern manufac» ipwocd, Because of capital expenditure required for a mill ts of coal and sre and the long for high freight briefly yent recognizes matters referred Consideration will have to be given not only so that present manutscturers but new Cempanies will find it desi to engage in the -- Pulp and t J in this part the F lock thanked Long Company Limited on } tors The varty left at 10:30 a.m, 2e consisted Seaton Minister of nd F » Rhynas, Chief of the Division cf Operation anc Peor- sonnel and other bers of the staff of the Department cf Lands and Forests.