PRIZES - JACKFISH FISH-DERBY AUGUST 1,1 A (1) 53 H.P. Johnson Motor ' Lakeview Hotel Trophy (2) Three Bond R.C.A. Portable Radio Boat Cushion ' (3) Rolex Wrist Watch value $50, 00 (4) Coleman picnic table and. four chairs Trolling rod and reel (5) Swede Jacket -- ; Pair men's: trousers . (6) Chrome kitchen stool Linen' table cloth (7) Pienie Kit : Boat Cushion (8) Men's dressing gow + Combination lighter & efgarstte holder (9) Deluxe Tackle box Boat Cushion (10)Coleman gas lantern (11)Casting rod and reel Boat cushion (12)Short shirt ' Liquor flask (13)Thermos cocktail mixer (14)Casting rod and reel . -(15)Motor rug. ~ + .2-spools line (16)Sport Shirt (17)Aluminum hondled loading net. (18)Silver Cheese and Crocker dish (19)Plastic rein jacket Sport Shirt (20)Fruit dish Lady catching smallest fish - Satin Casnisn Man catching smallest. fish - Sport Shirt O~0~0 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS OF PHYSICANS! SERVICES INCORPORATED DEPENDENT CHILDREN REACHING AGE 18 When a dependent child of a subscriber to P,S.I, reaches age 18, the child is automatically removed from the parent's P,S,I, contract, and shall not be entitled to any benefits under P,S,I. . The subscriber though, may make appli- eation within 30 days to PoS, Te after the dependent ceases to be covered by the' parent!s contract to enter into an agreement' for a separate contract for the dependent. The Personnel Department in the. past have attempted to notify each employée who was effected by the above regulation, A letter was. received from P,S.I, on July 28, 1954, informing the LongLac Pulp and Paper Company that P.S,I, sends a notification directly to each subscriber (cont, on next col,) 4 Page 5 Important Notice to Subscribers of f\ Physicans! Services Incorporated Dependent Mhildren Reaching Age 18 road t ; _ with dependents reaching age 18, remind- ing them to apply to P,5,I4 for' a separate contract for the child if they desire Ones In view of this, due tm the reminder frem P,S,I, to the subscriber, the Fersonnel Department will discontinue the practice of notifying LongLac subscribers of P.S,1. in regard t6 the above regulation, 0-0-0 PLAYGROUND CHATTER On Wednesday, August 4th, an outing has been planned that will take all of boys and girls in the 6 to 13 age group to Rossport for the day, This trip will also include a short boat trip while at Rossport and therefore the children will be bringing home permission slips for the parents to sign if they wish their children to go on the tripe The approximate time of departure from the playground will be 10:00 a.m, and we expect they will return around 4:30 p.m, Now that Summer Program is spiro incre th half-over, we would like to say how pleased we are at the conduct of your children for this period of time, A new schedule has been prepared for the month of August, we would ask you to please note the changes and make sure that: the children adhere to this schedule 'for the month of August, It has been brought to our attention that. some of the older children who are walking, cycling or hitch-hiking to the Swimming Pool. are making their way into various parts of the Mill, This is an extremely dangerous practise and could easily result in very serious injury. We would ask the parents to warn the children not to go into the Mill, The Company bus makes regular trips to and from the Pool and we would much prefer that the children make use of this service in order that we! may know where they are at all times, | & O-Q=0 STOP FIRES BEFORE THEY GET STARTED