if A D | E > OLUMN RECIPE OF THE WEEK CANDIED FRUIT BREAD 2 cups sifted Robin Hood Flour 4 teaspoons baking powder ie teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 3/k cup granulated sugar 1/h cup chopped citron peel in cup seedless raisins or currants 2 tablespoons chopped. candied ; cherries 2 tablespoons chopped candied lemon peel 1/4 cup chopped blanched almonds 1/4 cup chopped pecans ay cup milk 2 eggs, well beaten 3 tablespoons butter or shortening, melted. Grease an 8 x 5 x 3 inch loaf tin thoroughly. Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon into mixing bowl. Add sugar, prepared fruits and nuts, Mix well, Combine beaten egg, milk and melted butter and add to dry ingredients stirring just_enough to blend. Turn into greased loaf tin. Let stand for 20 minutes, Bake at 3750F, (Moderately hot oven) for one hour to one hour and ten minutes, Bake in centre of oven on middle rack, Turn out on wire rack and allow to cool for several hours before slicing, 0-0-0 WANTED A job doing housework, for summer months and after, Please contact Miss Marg Banks or Phone 416, 0-0-0 Page 4 AROUND THE TOWN Alice and Lionel Waghorn with Geralyne returned July lst from their month's vacation in Kenora, Mrs. S. Graham leaves for Toronto on Friday after having spent the past six weeks visiting with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Des Evans-Smith. Michael Bvans-Smith will travel' with his Grand- mother to visit in Toronto for the next two weeks, lirs. Simmons of New Haven, Connect- icut arrived last Friday and will remain a few weeks as guest of her daughter Mrs, Evans-Smith, Elva McMillan with Barby and Bobby are visiting for the week with Marge and Scotty Hamiiton, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd McKechnie with Marilyn and Stewart arrived Tuesday for a few days visit with Lloyd's brothers Arnold and Harold and sister, Mrs. Vivian Hanna and their families, Inspector and tirs. P. T. Hake of Port Arthur were guests of their daughter Lois Haviland and family last weekend and to be present at Granddaughter Joanne Haviland's third birthday. Fourteen little guests were invited Saturday when Joanre received in honour of the occasion. Outdoor games were played before a lovely birthday luncheon was served, Treats and favors were pre- sented to the children before they departed for home. Mrs. H. P. Connor arrived from Pembroke Ontario on Sunday to visit with her sister Colleen Perrson for the week, Mr. and Mrs, James MacPhail of Toronto were guests of their nisce Fran Herron last week, along with their son-in-law and daugh.-- ter, Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Findlay of Port Arthur. Mr. and Mrs, P. Sernesky and Tom and Ed were weekend guests at the home of Rose- mary and Bill Sernesky. Kay Anderson returned Saturday from a week spent in St. Joseph's Hospital, Port Arthur, Kay's sister, Margaret Ford arrived Tuesday and will leave on Friday for her home in Pine Falls, Manitoba, taking along Freddie and Kenneth Anderson for the summer holidays, Connie Burella had several members of her family arrive Tuesday, Stan and Doris, Doug and Marlene Starink, and they will leave for their home in Winripeg on Thursday along with Hrs, H, Starink, Connie's Mother, who has been visiting her the past two weeks, Edna and Gordon Kydd with young "Murray were in the Lakehead for a few days last week, (Cont. on Page 6 )