MIXED LEAGUE BAY BEAVERS WIN CONSOLATION Tuesday saw the windup of bowling for the season with Gutterpups and Slewpokes rolling the final games, The Beavers were down 34 pins after the first game which was taken by the Gin Pills but came back in the second and third games to overcome this and go into the last game 100 pins up on their nearest rival the Slowpokes, The Slowpokes after a good start faded away in the last game to lose their chance of taking this event, Superiors, who have been bowling very well this year didn't do so well at the start but came through in the last game with a nice 1109 to mke a bid but that wasn't good enough to overs come the lead of the Beavers. V, Mattson of the Gutterpups was the top scorer for this series with 154, 223, 174 and 224 (hi single) for a 805 for hi series, C. Buck of the Beavers took the honours for the men with 208, 262, 188 and 261 for hi series of 919. Some of the hetter scores rolled were E, Niemi 253, R, Corre igan 216, P. Diduch 218, M, Simmer 217, B,. Haughn 200, L. Waghorn 218. Standings for the Series Bay Beavers 948 1039 1029 987 #4003 _ Superiors 821 914 966 1109 3830 Gutter Pups 931 876 989 1021 3817 Slowpokes 930 1004 980 868 3782 Gin Pills 982 891 926 974 3773 Phillpotts 898 998 892 835 3623 Prize Winners for the Season League Champions - Imperial Bank Trophy - Cut Ups - W. Day (Capt. Se, Lodd. J. Todd M. L. Day L. Marsh W. Sitko : J, Semeniuk Consolation Winners - Bay Beavers -.. § Jakobsen (Capt. ) B, Haughn M, Hayes M. Simmer E. Wozney (Cont. on next col.) Page 8 ' MIXED LEAGUE. (Cont. ) Consolation Winners - Bay Beavers (Cont, ) A, MacMillan C, Buck Ladies Hi Average - Hudson's Bay Trophy- OQ. Harrison 207 Hi single Scrateh - Dresswell Trophy - OQ, Harrison 318 Hi single with handicap - L, Maleshew- ski - 348 Hi triple scrateh - M, L, Day ~702 Hi triple with handicap - M. L. Day - 816 Men's Hi Average - Hudson's Bay Co. Trophy C, Buck 225 Hi single scratch - ©, Buck - 331 Hi single with handicap - L, Swirhun- 355 Hi triple scratch - R, Middaugh - 679 Hi triple with handicap-D, Chilton ~- 830 Cola Parker Trophy - Ladies Hi Average All Leagues + O, Harrison - 207 O'Keefe Trophy - Men's Hi Single all Leagues - G, Conway - 378 o-0~0 LADIES LEAGUE Prize winners fer season: League Champienship - Palm Dairies Trophy - Top Hats - A, Checkryn (Capt.) J, Semeniur M, Hayes M. L. Day D. Coupal B, Haughn Consolation Winners - Hopefuls I, Marsh (Capt.) K, Jeanneret E. Stevens Je Schritt F. Knight M. Anderson Hi Average - Lou Hardy Trophy - A. Checkryn - 186 Hi Single Scratch - J. Semeniuk ~- 328 Hi Single with handicap - J, Semeniuk-342 Hi Triple Scratch - A, Checkryn - 707 Hi Triple with handicap - V. Hanna ~- 819 O'Keefe Trophy - Ladies! Hi Single Any League - J. Semeniuk - 328 0-0-0 TEN PIN BOWLING HOGARTH TROPHY © Roll off for the Hogarth Trophy emblem- atic of Lakehead area supremacy will be held at the West Fort Bowling Alleys on Tuesday, May 4th at 7:00 p.m, Anyone in- (Cont. on page 9)