way starring Re ed e \ May_2nd= a, W \ EE TROUBLE ALONG nd Denn \ an . --6th ee starring Taylore 2 Robert stack \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ q { \ pil ws ' 1 Reger 1 ee i - ene ee \ id Howe, AND SCHOOL ASSOC TATION "Miss Bewlah McAdam presented her Senior Choir at the Home and School Meeting Monday evening as they sang "Evening Prayer" and "Skye Boat Song" for the attending parents and friends, They were followed by the Double Trio from the Continuation School, winners at the Lakehead festival in their event, as they sang "The Song of May." Ron Faust thanked Miss McAdam, the Senior Choir and Double Trio for their fine performance at this meeting. Al Stevens presided over the meeting and Mrs, Evelyn Falzetta read the minutes of the past meeting. .Business of the meet"ng included discussion of the School Patrols, and following an earlier recommend- ation by Mr. Dave Locking, Mr. Briggs and Mr, Kenney now have their own patrols for their respective schools and will continue for the balance of the term. Mr, Kenney suggested special privileges be given the patrols in the next term, such as admission to hockey games or occasional shows, Ron Faust moved the present $1.25 treat to the winning patrol cach month be discontinued and some other form of competition be set up next year. A nominating committee was set up con- sisting of Mrs. Lois Hopper, Charlie Sitch and Joe Marcella, Election of officers . will take place at the May meeting. Treas- urer Jim Corrigan read a list of all paid up members eligible to voteat the elections, Mr, Stevens thanked the two School Boards for their generous donations which helped to defray expenses of the trip to the Lake- (Cont. on next col.) Page 3 HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION (Conte ) head with the students participating in the festival. .Mr. Stevens also thanked the nine drivers who gave their time and cars, and Miss McAdam on her acc omplishments of _ entering four classes and winning two firsts. Hei also mentioned the Card Party next Friday 'evening at Hotel Terrace for which tickets '. are still available, The May meeting will be held on the 21st with Mr. Richard Downey present to show his excellent sel- ection of pictures, Ed Cavanaugh accepted on behalf of the Public School Board, and Joe Marcella for the Separate School Board a Tape Re- corder to be administered by the School Boards and used in the three schools. AL Stevens made the presentation for the Home and School Association and explained how it had been worked for following a suggest--- ion two years ago by Mr. C. Smith, former principal of the Public School;---Part-of the money had been raised by the school students at their Christmas concerts and the balance by the Association. The meeting was turned over to Meredith Nelson at the conclusion of the business, who conducted a very amusing Child Psychology Quiz with everyone participating. Many thought-provoking questions were asked and the winning group were Mr, and Mrs, Joe Wig and Mr. and Mrs. Don Porter. Meredith awarded each of this group their prize of a psychological persuader. Mrs, John Wade mentioned briefly she had attended the final dinner at the Royal York Hotel iin Toronto last Wednesday of the Home and School Convention. Twelve hundred people were present at this dinner and Mrs, Wade told a few of the highlights of the evening. A social hour and lunch- eon concluded the meeting. 0-0-0 NEW DENTIST TO ARRIVE IN JUNE Doctor David Acal of St. Catharines, Ontario and formerly of Kapuskasing will be the dentist in Terrace Bay. Dr. Acal will arrive in Terrace Bay to begin his practice about the end of June, 0-0-0 LOST One Childs Red Tricycle Werlich Brand. Please return to 8 Pine Crescent or Phone 469. 0-0-0