DON'T FORGET THE TERRACE BAY BOY SCOUT FATHER AND SON BANQUET THIS WEEK, DATE: SATURDAY, APRIL 2,0H TIME: 6:00 P. M PLACE: COMMUNITY CHURCH We hope that all scouts, cubs and their fathers can attend as we can assure you of a wonderful repast and an interesting evening. SCOUT AND CUB CAMP Once again the Boy Scouts and Cubs are to go to summer camp at White Sand Lake, The dates as selected by the local committee are as follows: Cubs + July 7th - July 11th Incl, Scouts ~- July llth - July 18th Incl. Let's plan our summer holidays with these dates in mind so that every eligible boy has an opportunity to enjoy this healthful, invigorating period with his buddies, 0-0-0 NOTE: MIXED TEN PIN LEAGUE There was a slight error in the last ten pin write up. Bob Shirriff of the Badgers has the men's high three with 669, Sorry Francis, 0-0-0 FOR SALE Three quarter metal bed and coil spring. Dial 223, 0-0-0 NOTE Left at Hudson's Bay Store one pair of good sun glasses. Owner can pick them up at the Office, O--O-0 Page 8 KIWANIS EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN A reminder to buy and use Easter Seals, Mail your pink envelope nowlh}} Your help is needed to help the crippled children, o--0-0 ATTENTION ALL SOFTBALL PLAYERS$!4(Cont.) participants must be members of the Terrace Bay Recreation association, This regula- tion is a must, and will strictly be ad-~ hered to, with no exceptions. 0-0-0 RECENTLY READ ~~ 'The wat pater pipe had burst in the bathe room. The head of the house was doing his best tostem the flow with his hands pending the arrival of the plunker, Suddenly his smail son burst into the bathroom and shouted excitedly.: "You can let go of the pipe now, Dad." "Thank goocness," exclaimed father, "Is the plumber here?" "No" was the replys "The house is on fire", ~- oc ap There's a story floating around trade union branches in Torcento about a union official who Ae) spieious wif. ri oma. occasion he die 'out all night "on union business" He said he had missed the last tain and had had to stay the night with one of his members -~- ali men, So his doubting wife found a list of branch members and sent all 250 of them a postcard reading: "Did my husband stay with you last night? By return she received 250 replies They all said: "Yes" hh 0-0-0 TERRACE BAY NEWS, published every Thurs~ day at Terrace Bay, Ontario, is devoted to the interests of everyone connected with the LongLac Pulp and Paper Company Limited project of the Kimberly-Clark Corporation, All items for publication must be in the hands of the Editor by noon on Wednesday of each week, Kindly submit all articles and address 1] communications to: J. Beddard, Editor, o~0---0