COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday, April 25th, 1954. 9:30 a.m, Senior Sunday School mee 11:00 a.m: Junior Sunday -- ' School Zs" : 11:00 a.m, Morning Worship "Christian Soldiers" Scouts and Cubs will parade to the morning service, 7:30 pem, The aftermath of Easter, 0-0-0 MOTHERS - DAY TEA The apron group of the Community Church will hold a Mothers Day Tea on May 8th at 2:30, Adults 35¢ - Children 15¢ Some deinty aprons will be sold. 0-0-0 LIBRARY NEWS The Apple Tree Dauphne Du Maurier This book contains one short novel and five short stories all of which are musual and contain an eerie atmosphere of suspense. However, they are not up to the author's usual standard. Icebound Summer Sally Carrighar A naturalist's three year study and record of the struggle for survival of animal life in the Arctic, 0-0-0 NOTE OF THANKS On behalf of my wife and family I should like to thank the Technical Department and the Union Local 665 for their floral remem- brances during our recent bereavement. Also I would like to thank friends who sent cards, and neighbours who lent a helping hand during my absence, Fred Gould, 0-0-0 FOUND it ma point pen, owner may have same by calling the Personnel Office, Piel Page 2 ae ST. MARTIN'S PARISH _--~Balcurday, April 2ht uurday, April 24th, 1 --€onfessions - 3-4 Pome "se 7-8 PoM. "we Sunday, April 25th, 1 \ Masses: S215 alt 10:00 a,ms Evening devotions at 7:30 p.m. "1 Mass during the week at 7:30 am, Wednesda April. 28th, 1 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Bexoticns at 2:30 pem. and 7:30 pom, 0-0--0 A meeting of the Catholic Women's League will be held on Sunday night April 25th after Benediction, This is an import~ ant meeting. 0-0-0 HOME AND SCHOOL MEETING APRIL 26TH The regular monthly meeting of the Home and School Association will be held Monday evening, April 26th, at 8:15 pam. in the Continuation School Auditorium. Meredith Nelson will conduct a Child Psychology Quiz, and the Senior Choir from the Separate and Public Schools and the Double Trio from the Continuation School will also be present to sing their festival pieces, This promises to be a very enjoyable evening and a special in- vitation is extended to one and all to attend. 0--0~0 NOTICE ~~ Expansion of the garage compound at Princess and Superior is being considered. The nwaber of units built will be deter- mined by the demand. Persons interested in garage space in this compound should apply in the regular manner to Fred Soughton Administration Office (Local 46) LONGLAC PULP AND PAPER COMPANY LIMITED, 0-0-0 0-0-0 SAFETY SLOGAN ty Thursday Noon April 22nd to Thursday Noon April 29th, b wrveel ob wehag ood ee ea Mm er ream Un Gr mn ne fs erm cer cna er crlee iar Bel esl nM tL dean ad ah ia Neg tge iN! hd haul speeesevede COOD. HOU SEs & Plc Mo AYO Tne ie atone