Volume 4, No. 16 MORE ABOUT "THE TERRACE BAY COMMUNITY CHEST" Cn March 29th representatives from the Terrace Bay wage-earner groups met at the Continuation School to consider the next steps in making the Community Chest a reality. It was unanimously agreed, that at the present time only those social agencies of a provincial or national nature should be included and not the appeals for charity that originate here in Terrace Bay, A committee composed of the following: Mrs, Geo. Maitland, Willard Vezina, Harry Goodfellow, Phil Stuart, Ken Hutchinson and Des Evans~Smith were given the job of writ- ing a proposed constitution. That constit- ution is attached to this issue of the News, Qn May 6th at 8:00 p.m, there will be a general meeting of the public in the Con- tinuation School to consider this constitu- tion, This concerns every wage~earner in Terrace Bay and their dependents so make sure that you attend this meeting. This will be your opportunity to ask questions, Keep your copy of the constitution for reference at the meeting, 0-0-0 PUBLIC SCHOOL REGISTRATION We will be registering all kindergarten pupils during the week of April 26-29th., and May 3-7th, Registration will be carried -- out from four until five o'clock each after--- noon. Children who are five years old by December 31st, 1954, are eligible for enrol- ment this year. Parents are requested to bring their child's birth certificate with them, Miss Honer, our kindergarten teacher,is planning a talk for the parents of next year's (Cont. on next col,) LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY April 22, 195k. PUBLIC SCHOOL REGISTRATION (Cont. ) kindergarten, during the first week of May. Watch the Terrace News for further notices. 0-0-0 ATTENTION ALL. SOFTBALL PLAYERS£$! As the proverbial saying goes "Spring Has Sprung" we hope! And it won't be long now before the race for the champion~ ship will be on. Your executive is busy making plans for the forthcoming season, BUT.....unless you CLUB SWINGERS don't get a move on and get your entries into the Secretary, the best of plans are going to be delayed, as it is impossible for us to draw up a schedule unless we know just exactly how many teams will be competing this year, Sure, we've heard through the grape- vine that so 'n! so is going to have THE TEAM this year, but you'd better follow up all this 'yakkin with something in writing, or you'll find yourself playing the game from the seats with the rest of the "Armchair Professionals." Enuff said, don't forget to have your entry into the Secretary, Betty Austin Hotel Terrace, accompanied with a $10.00 deposit, not later than April 30th, Now further businessSe.oe.s There will be a meeting of the elected executive and team managers on Tuesday April 27th, in room 120 Hotel Terrace (Pete Mazza'ts abode) at 7:30 pem. All teams intending to enter a team in the league this year, are requested to have their manager or one representative in attendance, You are reminded that all softball (Cont. on page 2) ¥