COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday, March 28, 1954. 9:30 aom, Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m, Junior Sunday School 11:00 a.m, Morning Worship "Faces Around the Cross", "Arinas", Evening Service "The Christian's Armour", 7130 peme 0-0-0 LIBRARY NEWS The Thunder Bay Co-op Bookmobile called. here Wednesday, March 17th. Our Librarian selected approximately 70 new adult, teen~ age and children's books.for your enjoyment. widefall _ Thomas Raddall Mr. Raddall is the author of "The Nymph and the Lamp", Nova Scotia is the scene setting for this new novel and the inhabitants of a. small fishing village, and a ruthless sea captain are the main characters. Here is a strong masculine story told by a strong masculine talent, Midsummer Malice Nigel Fitzgerald A fast moving murder story which will appeal to readers of thrillers, The scene of the crime is Southern Island and as well as being an Al Crime Club selection this . book familiarizes its readers with people of that country, 0-0-0 NOTE OF THANKS In appreciation for the good care and attention I received during my recent stay in the hospital, I wish to thank everyone who has been so kind to Jos and I, Sincerely, Mrs. Nan Van de Ven, o-0-0 SWAP . One child's sidewalk bike (girlts) like new, for boy's bike. " _ 268 Kenogami Road, Phone 268, ao ma eg ---- Frida . Mass ~ - attachments. en Page 2 wen ST. MARTIN'S PARISH -- ee RN March 26th Stations of the Cross at 7: 30 Pen, Saturday, March 27th me . Confessions 3-4 p.M. 7-8 Pole Sunday, March 28th Masses 8:15 am 10:00 a.m. Rosary and Benediction at 7:30 p.m. A meeting of the KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS will be held' after devotions in the hall. Wednesday, March 31st. Our Lady of Perpetual Wind Devotions at 7:30 Dem. Thursday, April ist Confessions 3-4 pom, 7-8 Pol. Friday, April 2nd 7:30 am 0-0-0 ST. MARTIN'S SEPARATE SCHOOL REGISTRATION ~ KINDERGARTEN AND GRADE I March 3lst and April lst = 4:00 = 5:00 p.° april 3rd 11:00a.m. to -.:: , 12 noon. Phone school or 471, if impossible to register children at above hours, Childrer: must be 5 years old on or before December Zist, 1954. to be registered, Parents or guardians are asked to bring birth or baptismal certificates for registration. o-0--0 FOR SALE One 15 horse Evenrude motor, App- roximately 20 to 30 hours running, Almost new. Contact J. Kuczma, Travellers Home, Schreiber, Phone 32, 0-0-0 FOR SALE Electrolux vacuum cleaner with House #151 or time card #347. Reasonably priced, F, Burnell, SAFETY SLOGAN on Noon, March caer to Toate to ate iene ist. a yesens enpnesens cones eee SINT. /RUGHT ae ovate ASNT Sack E