y\ Page 10 FISH AND GAME CLUB TERRACE BAY COMMUNITY CHEST IS PLANNED Residents of Terrace Bay Last Monday night a meeting was held Everyone knows what lake trout look in the Continuation School to consider like, but how many of us know what the the formation of a Terrace Bay Community "Sca Lamprey" is and how much damage they Chest. The Kiwanis Club, who are spear- are doing to the fish right here in our heading this plan invited representatives own Lake Superior? of all wage-earning groups in Terrace Bay Mr. W. Bittle of the Department of to this meeting. Lands and Forests will be in Terrace Bay After discussing two types of plans Tuesday evening, March 30th to show films the group decided that the following plan on the "Sea Lamprey" and what is being would be most suitable to cover our neede. done to counteract this situation. An executive would be elected and a con- Come out to see these films and bring stitution written to administer all funds, the younger generation. It will be of There would be one appeal for money each great interest to all. Watch the bulletin year to take care of all appeals, both boards for the time and place of this film National, such as the Red Cross, Blind, showing. Children's Aid etc. as well as the local. Terrace Bay Fish and Game Association, emergency charities. A set sum would be set aside to take care of the local emer- o-0-0 gency charities. The remaining money would be divided among the designated National FOTO CONTEST Charities, Local emergency appeals would The winner of the fote contest has -- be considered by an investigating committee been announced as Bill Borsum. Congratula~i> and if considered for financial help would tions Bill. be subject to a set minimum and maximum The contest was for the purpose of ob- amount of money that could be paid to one taining a suitable cover photograph to use charitable appeal, All people in the com on a proposed booklet to be issued by the munity would be eligible for help from the LongLac Pulp and Paper Company. Community Chest. The interest and the entries of the other The above plan is only suggested, and contestants is appreciated. awaits the approval of the people of Terrac< Bay. With this in mind, representatives 0-0-0 attending the meeting will discuss the us plan with members of their organizations. Fe : On Monday, March 29th they will again mect an of the Hour: The one whose wife told : , ; 'i hin $6 ue & alnlite at the Continuation School to consider the next steps in making the Community Chest Mtr ion a reality. There's only one ehdeavor in which you can 0-0-0 dal ! } i ee RAN start at the top--~and that's digging a hole, NOTICE: ' 0-0-0 . Beauty parlour will be closed all day Monday, March 29th and open all day Wec March 3lst -~ next week only. 0-0-0 YOUR WEEKLY SCHEDULE a ee Thursday, March 18th to Wednesday, March 31st. THURSDAY -- Open Bowling 7-11 p.m.~- Male Chorus 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m Hi-School -- Night School 7:00 p.m, --- Library 7-9 p.m. - Bean Supper 5 p.m. St. Martins i:. FRIDAY -- No open bowling -- Salary vs. Hourly Tournament, SATURDAY -- Open Bowling 1-5 Pele, 7-11 PeM, es SUNDAY -~ Badminton 1:30 psm. -- Mixed 10 Pins 1:15 p.m. 3:00 p.m. - Open Bowling 3-5p.:i MONDAY -~ Men's Bowling 7-11 p.m. ~ Library 2:30-4:30 - Night School 7:00 PeM. Brownies 6:30 Aude - Guides 7:30. TUESDAY -- Mixed Bowling 7-11 p.m. - Library 7-9 p.m. - Kiwanis Club 6:30 p.em. Hotel Terrace.- Cubs and Scouts - Night School 8:15 p.m, WEDNESDAY---- 10 Pin Bowling 6:30 pem. ~ Library 2:30-4:30 p.m. = Ladies Bowling 1:45 p.m. Night School 7:00 p.m. -- Badminton 7-11 p.m. o-0--0