AROUID 2uE TOWN, ; TOWN (conte) 'Mrs. -- . Bert Duncan was at the Lakehead last weekend to visit with her husband Jim in the Port Arthur General Hospital. Marge and Scotty Hamilton with Bonnie and Marcia were guests of Marge's brother Donald Armstrong and family cof Fort William last weekend, Mr, and Mrs, Bill Baillie were Lakehead visitors last weekend also Donna and Verne Walker. a . 0-0-0 EASTERN STAR , Members are reminded to attend the re- gular meeting of the Silver Birch Chapter, 0.E.S. in the Church hall on Monday evening, March 8th, _ 0-0-0 TUESDAY NIGHT a baby shower was given by Mrs. Dejonghe and Mrs, Gould at the home of Mrs, Dejonghe in honor of Mrs, Lawrenson. Mrs, Lawrenson received many nice gifts and after a lovely evening a delicious lunch was served, n 0-0-0 ANNUAL KIWANIS KIDDIES CARNIVAL. This year the Carnival will be on March 13th or if the weather is poor March 20th, : wre ee ae AP oe between schools from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m The program will consist of a Broom- ball game followed by Judging of the best fancy dress, races and lastly a hockey game, Fancy dress prizes will be awarded to Best Dressed Girl, Best dressed. Boy and Best Comic Costume, Straight skating races will be for following classes. Boys up to and including 6,Girls up to 6 " 7, 8 and 9 a AY 7,8 and 9 10. Sar eae ee We i and Le 1 oe iy, and 15 " psy vA} and 15 There will be an up to 15 boy and 'girl backwards skating race and a mixed race, the boy pushing the girl who is balanced on one leg. BROWNIES" PARENTS Sheer Open house for parents will be néne in High School Auditorium on- Monday 8th March at 6:30 psm. Mum and Dad please come and see your little daughter get her pin. Page ' HOUSE LEAGUE HOCKEY (ccnt,) In the 3rd period #4 Shift really put on the heat and the game betting a little' rougher, "Doc" Campbell started #4 Shift - rolling by driwing in past old "Glueié" which had him beat all the way. McBride. then turned around and got himself another goal to make it a little harder for #4 Shift. With the first linem again for #, Shift "Doc" Campbell once again made the red light go on again, The heat was on the Services now with #4 Shift down at Services end then "Trickey " Sernesky coming from behind the net with some clever stick' handling and flipped it in past Art Parent. bad for Services but then."Snowpleow' Legault: put it into high gear took it down with scm nice passes and flipped it past Robbig Revi. This ended the scoring for the game with #1. Shift on the short end of a 6-4 score, Referee --- Tony Delaronde Services #4 Shift Goal-Art Parent Defence -- Stan Zwaresh Slim Dorman, GeKydd. Forwards ~ J.Mikus, L. McBride ple Legault E. LeBlanc, M.Nicol . Bill Semesky, Bo? oe NcGinnes »Be Randa, Wishart, Jim Smith, de Cavanaugh, B. Charban Bob Burella, Clif Goach - H. Duggan _ Wood, Jim Bradley, , Chuck Haviland, Coach - Mel Moore Forwards - Doc Cam, bell, J. Stewart. Jack Winters, Onz2> Next Wednesday, March 10th, 1954. First game in House League Hockey Final, Services. vs winner of Shift 2 and Shift 3 sudden death play off game. Finals best out of 3 games, ~ o~0--0 HOEK DOWN CLUB Mr, Harold Harton of Commmity ana Branch at Toronto will be in Terrace Bay on March lOth and 11th to conduct a course on Square Dancing: and Foik Dancing spon~ sored by the:Hoe Down Club,, On these two evenings the Hoe Down Club of Terrace Bay will. play host to Marathon, Schreiber anc Nipigon Clubs, It is expected that a grea. deal will be learned from Mr, Harton as he is a well known Square Dance caller in Torento and vicinity. This course will ve held in the High School Auditorium from 8:00-17:00 p.m, both evenings, The will be no admission charged, 9-0-0 Things Look? Goal~Robbie Robin:.: > Daizell, Butch, Buc ia? i) 4 "A